
  • 网络Boyle’s law;boyle's law;Boyle'slaw
  1. 波义耳定律:如果事情进展不错,那么必有人把实验做坏

    Boyle 's Law : When things are going well , someone will inevitably experiment detrimentally .

  2. 为纪念发现这一定律的英国物理学家,这个关系式叫做波义耳定律。

    This relationship is called Boyle 's law , in honor of the English physicist who discovered it .

  3. 波义耳定律指出要使地狱的温度和压力保持不变,灵魂的质量与体积的比率必须是不变量注3。

    Boyle 's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same , the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant .