
Huà Luógēnɡ
  • Hua Luogeng(1910-1988)best-known Chinese mathematician
  1. 2-赋范空间和拟Banach空间中的华罗庚不等式

    Hua Lo-Keng Inequality In 2-Normed Spaces and Quasi-Banach Spaces

  2. 第三类华罗庚域的Bergman核函数

    The Bergman kernels on Hua domain of the third type

  3. 自均衡类椭圆函数滤波器第三类华罗庚域的Bergman核函数

    Self-equalized pseudoelliptic filter the Bergman kernels on Hua domain of the third type

  4. 第一类华罗庚域的凸性与Kobayashi度量

    Convexity of Hua domain of the first type and Kobayashi metric

  5. 由于华罗庚域既不是齐性域又不是Reinhardt域,故以往求Bergman核函数的方法都行不通.本文用新的方法进行计算。

    Hua domain is both non-Reinhardt and non-homogeneous , therefore the authors use a new method to compute its Bergman kernel .

  6. 本文发展了华罗庚方法并研究了如下形式的完全有理三角和其中R(x)是有理函数,得到了关于S(R,q)的上界的一些新结果。

    In this paper the author develops the Hua 's method and studies the complete rational trigonometric sums where R ( x ) is a rational function , some new results for the upper bound of S ( R , q ) are obtained .

  7. 华罗庚域上的Bergman核函数、比较定理和Einstein-k(?)hler度量

    The Bergman Kernel Function on the Hua Domain , the Comparison Theorem and Einstein-K (?) hler Metric on Super-Cartan Domain of the First Type

  8. 略论华罗庚的高校数学教学方法与讲解技能

    Sketching Out Hua Luo-geng 's Teaching Methods and Skills about University Mathematics

  9. 关于华罗庚行列式不等式的等式条件的注记

    A Note About The Equality Condition of Hua Loo-Keng Inequalities of Determinants

  10. 聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。&华罗庚。

    For hard-working smart , genius lies in the accumulation .

  11. 华罗庚是中国数学多方面研究的创始人和开拓者。

    He was the founder and pioneer of many fields in mathematics research .

  12. 算术级数中的华罗庚五素数平方定理

    Hua 's Five Primes Squares Theorem in Arithmetic Progressions

  13. 关于华罗庚教授传记的注记

    A Note on Professor Hua Luo-geng 's Biography

  14. 评译华罗庚致维诺格拉多夫的几封信

    A translation and commentary of four letters from Hua Loo-Keng to I. M. Vinogradov

  15. 广义华罗庚域上的若干问题

    Several Problems on the Generalized Hua Domains

  16. 华罗庚是一位著名的科学家。

    Hua Luogeng was a well-known scientist .

  17. 华罗庚域研究的综述

    The Summarizations on Research of Hua Domain

  18. 华罗庚是一位伟大的数学家。

    Hua Luogeng is a great mathematician .

  19. 华罗庚:中国杰出的数学家

    Hua Luogeng : An Outstanding Chinese Mathematician

  20. 在系统论视角下认识华罗庚的数学学习体验

    Research on Prof. HUA Luo-geng 's Study Experience of Mathematics in the Perspective of System Theory

  21. 华罗庚,这位传说中的数学天才,一生充满了坎坷与传奇。

    Hua , the legend of a mathematical genius , his life full of twists and legend .

  22. 有一次,父亲让华罗庚照看家里的棉花店。

    Once , his father asked him to keep an eye on their family 's cotton shop .

  23. 一天一位女士走进店里,问华罗庚棉花的价钱。

    One day , a woman came into the shop and asked Hua how much the cotton was .

  24. 当我还是一个女孩的时候,我就梦想着,有朝一日成为一名像华罗庚那样的科学家。

    When I was a young girl , I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future .

  25. 华罗庚(1910—1985)是中国著名数学家、中国科学院院士。

    Hua Luogeng ( 1910-1985 ) was a famous Chinese mathematician , and an academician of China Academy of Sciences .

  26. 华罗庚(1910~1985),数学家,出生于小商人家庭。

    Hua Luogeng ( 1910 ~ 1985 ) was a mathematician . Hua was born in a small business family .

  27. 自从华罗庚在日本做讲座时突然去世后,很多中等数学教育项目都以他的名字命名。

    Since his sudden death while giving a lecture in Japan , many mathematics secondary education programs have been named after him .

  28. 华罗庚的一个很有能力的中学数学老师很早就发现了他的潜力,鼓励他看高年级的课本。

    He had a capable middle school math teacher who recognized his potential early , and encouraged him to read advanced texts .

  29. 钱和华罗庚是同学,年轻时候都靠勤奋努力,他们都相信天道酬勤。

    Hua is the money and students , at all times by a young hard work , they believe work hard will give you achievement .

  30. 本文给出了华罗庚五素数平方定理的算术级数形式,证明了其中一个素数可以取在大模的算术级数中。

    In this paper , we generalize Hua 's five primes squares theorem , and prove that one of the primes can be taken in arithmetic progressions with large moduli .