
méi jǔ
  • enumeration;enumerate
枚举 [méi jǔ]
  • [enumerate] 一一列举

枚举[méi jǔ]
  1. 枚举成员可以作为case标签使用。

    The enumeration members may be used as case labels .

  2. 描述如何在web浏览器窗口定位的枚举。

    Enumeration describing how to navigate a web browser window .

  3. 位于枚举类型定义之后的main()方法演示了这种用法。

    The main () method following the enumerated type definition demonstrates the usage .

  4. 添加枚举常量RED,并将其值设置为10。

    Add an enumeration literal of RED , and set its value to10 .

  5. 该路径下一步取决于wait枚举变量。

    The path next depends upon the wait variable enumeration .

  6. 最后,我们要定义一个枚举类型,用于表示topic有多少不同的类型。

    Finally , we 'll define an enumeration of the different types of topics available .

  7. 或者说,在一个拥有枚举类型Size变量的类中做这些更有意义吗?

    Or , does that make more sense in a class that has a variable of enum type Size ?

  8. 示例Customer类中的子方面只是枚举所有以通配符作为参数的方法。

    The subaspect in the example Customer class simply enumerates all the methods with wildcards for arguments .

  9. 在web测试用例中,事务仅将操作封装到稍后可以使用代码枚举的组中。

    Within web test cases , transactions only encapsulate actions into a group that can later be enumerated using code .

  10. 该枚举类型的values()方法返回这种类型的不同值的有序数组。

    The values () method of the enumerated type returns an ordered array of the different values of that type .

  11. 软件设计重点介绍了单片机固件:固件中设备枚举部分是USB通信的重要内容;

    In the software design , MCU firmware is mainly introduced .

  12. 主要工作如下:文章首先基于杂交反应提出一种枚举型的DNA计算模型。

    The main research works are as follows : An enumerating DNA computing model based on hybridization reactions is proposed .

  13. 然而,利用CAM,您可以基于上下文值应用特定枚举。

    However , with CAM , you can apply particular enumerations based on context values .

  14. 提出硬件实现USB设备枚举过程的设计方法。

    A design method of USB device enumeration in hardware implementation is proposed .

  15. 界扫描测试仪的USB驱动程序设计。USB驱动程序实现设备的枚举和完成应用程序对边界扫描测试仪的通信请求等方面的功能。

    USB driver design for the boundary-scan tester .

  16. 例如,该Web服务包括用于管理报表的数据源信息的方法或者枚举某个文件夹中所有项的方法。

    For example , the Web service includes methods to manage data source information for your reports or to enumerate all of the items in a folder .

  17. 我们在XMLSchema规范中找不到任何方法可以用来定义不区分大小写的枚举。

    We can 't find any way in the XML Schema spec that we can define an enumeration that is case-insensitive .

  18. 您可以使用Rational建模扩展对各种类型建模,其中包括类、结构、委托,和枚举。

    You can use Rational modeling extension to model various types , including classes , structs , delegates , and enumerations , among others .

  19. 要枚举特定页面,您需要在此文件中指定每个URL模式。

    In order to enumerate specific pages , you need to specify each URL pattern in this file .

  20. 我将API功能划分为几个类别:构造、上下文、导航、枚举和修改。

    I have divided the API functionality into several categories : construction , context , navigation , enumeration , and modification .

  21. 唯一可用的集合数据结构是向量栈、枚举和hash表。

    The only available collection data structures are vectors , stacks , enumerations , and hash tables .

  22. 当属性(property)的数据类型是枚举时,开发环境(例如microsoftvisualstudio)在“属性”窗口中将该属性显示为下拉列表。

    When the data type of a property is an enumeration , a development environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio will display the property as a drop-down list in the properties window .

  23. 将参数或复杂数据类型随此类枚举一起使用的Web服务客户机仅能传递将枚举定义中列出的值之一作为值来传递。

    Web service clients that use parameters or complex data types with this type of enumeration can only pass one of the values listed in the enumeration definition as a value .

  24. WSDL枚举&检查WSDL中列出的服务以推测并获取对未列出的服务的访问。

    WSDL enumeration & Examining the services listed in WSDL to guess and gain access to unlisted services .

  25. 另外,您可以看到values()方法返回了一个由独立的Grade实例构成的数组,每个数组都有一个枚举类型的值。

    Additionally , you can see that the values () method returns an array of individual Grade instances , each with one of the enumerated type 's values .

  26. 一个更简单的方法,是创建一个全局的JavaScript对象,它会向其标签发布每一个枚举值。

    A simpler way is to create a global JavaScript object that relates each enumeration value to its label .

  27. 通过USB总线枚举方式,逐一识别介质唯一性标识并通过超级终端显示。

    Through the USB enumeration the unique identifier information of U disk was obtained and it was displayed on the hyperterm program .

  28. 使用此枚举可限制会引发其validating事件的控件的类型。

    Use this enumeration to restrict the types of controls whose validating event is raised .

  29. 让我们看看在Groovy中如何使用注解,枚举和泛型。

    Let 's see how annotations , enums and generics can be used from Groovy .

  30. 最后,再次调用sort以便对列表的第一列按照相反次序进行排序(最大的在前面),这是对其自身进行枚举。

    Finally , call sort again to resort the list in reverse order ( highest first ) by the first column , which is the enumeration itself .