
  • 网络enum;Enumerated;enumeration type
  1. 对于局部相似度的赋值问题,可根据属性类型的不同,即数值型属性,无序枚举型属性,有序枚举型属性分别采用不同的方法来度量其相似度值。

    For local similar degree assignment , we can according to the difference of property types , namely numerical type , disorderly enumeration type and orderly enumeration type , then separately use different method to measure similar degree .

  2. 本文提出了一种非枚举型的三维DNA自组装图着色模型。

    A non-enumerative 3D DNA self-assembly model for the Graph coloring problem is proposed .

  3. 主要工作如下:文章首先基于杂交反应提出一种枚举型的DNA计算模型。

    The main research works are as follows : An enumerating DNA computing model based on hybridization reactions is proposed .

  4. PAT和EFAT能接受多种数据类型,包括整型、布尔型、浮点型、枚举型变量和有限大小的数组。

    PAT and EFAT accept several data types , such as integers , Booleans , floats , enumerates and fixed-size arrays .

  5. 对交易数据的实际聚类分析表明,该方法不仅可以处理数值型属性,还可以处理枚举型属性。

    The numerical type and the enumerating type can be processed .

  6. 用穷举法和隐枚举法解0-1型整数规划问题时,常常遇到组合爆炸问题。

    The combination explosion problem is common in solving 0-1 integer programming with enumeration and implicit enumeration ways .