
  1. if语句在一个布尔表达式计算为True时执行一个程序语句块。

    The if statement executes a block of program statements if a Boolean expression evaluates True .

  2. 每个link可与一个转变条件相关联,这个条件是使用流程的不同容器中的值的布尔表达式。

    Each link may be associated with a transition condition , which is a Boolean expression using values in the different containers of the process .

  3. 可以使用布尔表达式在单个QueryFilter定义中定义多个条件。

    We can define multiple conditions in a single Query Filter definition by using Boolean expressions .

  4. 这就是以Boolean这个人,的名字命名的布尔表达式。

    That 's what 's called a Boolean expression named after literally a man named Boole .

  5. 经典逻辑中的SAT问题是指布尔表达式的可满足性问题,它是计算机科学中的核心问题。

    SAT problem in classical logic means the satisfiability problem of boolean formulas . it is an essential problem of computer science .

  6. 在bash中,所有布尔表达式都用方括号括起。

    In bash , all boolean expressions are enclosed in square brackets .

  7. if语句支持一个可选的else子句,指示当布尔表达式计算为False时应该处理的程序语句块。

    The if statement supports an optional else clause that indicates a block of program statements that should be processed if the Boolean expression evaluates False .

  8. 事件订阅包含筛选器,这是一个布尔表达式,对所订阅的事件求值为True,对其他所有事件求值为False。

    An event subscription contains a filter , which is a Boolean expression that evaluates to true for events it subscribes to and to false for all other events .

  9. 第一类方法适用于和之积范式,第二类方法适用于任意布尔表达式.Steven式确定。

    The first class of methods is available for canonical product of sums form and the second one is available for arbitrary boolean expressions .

  10. 讨论了如何利用遗传算法求解布尔表达式的可满足性问题,并给出该结果对求解其他NP完全问题时的应用。

    How to solve the Boolean Satisfiability Problem ( SAT ) by genetic algorithms is discussed . The applications of the results for other NP Complete problems are also shown .

  11. IMAR算法采用布尔表达式形式化的表示规则约束。

    The algorithm prescribes the rule constraints and expresses them using Boolean expression .

  12. 这也就是布尔表达式的使用方法,比如在一继续方法比如个if-then-else块中。

    That 's exactly how Boolean expressions properti express boolean are used , for example , in an if-then-else construction .

  13. 本文讨论了MOS电路多值开关级代数表达式的三种标准结构.给出了将多值开关级表达式转换成布尔表达式的定理.基于这些理论,提出了MOS电路开关级形式验证的一种方法。

    Three standard forms of multiple-valued switch-level algebraic expressions of MOS circuits are discussed in this paper . Theorems on transforming multiple-valued switch-level expressions into Boolean expressions are given . Based on these results , a procedure for formal verification of MOS circuits at switch level is proposed .

  14. 一种改进的布尔表达式自下而上分析的语法制导翻译的方法

    A improvement on Boolean expression 's bottom-up parsing syntax directed compiling

  15. 但是布尔表达式实际上测试什么?

    But what does the boolean expression actually test for ?

  16. 无论初始表达式,布尔表达式,还是步进,都可以置空。

    Any of the expressions initialization , Boolean-expression or step can be empty .

  17. 在算术表达式内部,既不能选择也不能使用布尔表达式

    A Boolean expression cannot either be selected or used inside an arithmetic expression

  18. for(初始表达式;布尔表达式;步进)语句

    For ( initialization ; Boolean-expression ; step ) statement

  19. 布尔表达式的化简与并行排序网络验证

    Boolean expression simplification and parallel sort network validation

  20. 矩阵化方法在布尔表达式化简中的应用

    Matrixing Method Application for Boolean Expression Deduction

  21. 使用布尔表达式定义契约引起争议的第三种情况是在非功表达式契约定义能性契约上。

    The third occasion where defining contracts using Boolean expressions raises issues is non-functional contracts .

  22. 一般布尔表达式转化成合取范式的复杂性注记

    A Note to The Complexity of Transforming a General Boolean Formula to a Conjunctive Normal Form

  23. 这个程序从布尔表达式中创建真实的表格。

    Truth Table Generator For Boolean Expres - This program creates truth tables from boolean expressions .

  24. 文章提出一种基于布尔表达式的可生存性控制系统的有限状态机的设计方法。

    A design approach of finite state machine for survivability control system based on Boolean expression ( BoolSFSM ) is proposed .

  25. 在循环刚开始时,会计算一次“布尔表达式”的值。而对于后来每一次额外的循环,都会在开始前重新计算一次。

    The Boolean-expression is evaluated once at the beginning of the loop and again before each further iteration of the statement .

  26. 一般的看法是,开发者不知道如何使用这些操作符,经常在布尔表达式中误用。

    General opinion is that developers don 't understand how to use these operators and frequently mistake them for their Boolean equivalents .

  27. 算法中引入了逆布尔表达式向量化、空间向量的约简、空间向量的变换等新方法。

    In this algorithm , the boolean 's vectorial statement , Space vector 's simplification , space vector 's change are introduced .

  28. 矩阵运算在计算机上是易于实现的,因此,提出了一整套的矩阵定义和运算规则,并利用布尔表达式的分析树,实现了布尔代数演绎的矩阵化方法。

    Based on a set of matrix definition and formulae , the matrixing method using analysis tree for boolean expression deduction is presented .

  29. 研究了从一个布尔表达式生成最小真值表的算法,阐述了在覆盖测试工具中利用此算法辅助设计测试用例的应用问题,以此提高代码覆盖率。

    The algorithm of making minimum truth-table from Boolean expression is provided and its application in designing test with a coverage testing tool for getting high coverage is presented .

  30. 在三种情况下,使用布尔表达式去表述契约可能显得有些力不从心。所述职位,均要求有流利的书面及口头英语表达能力。

    There are three occasions in which this approach of using Boolean expressions may appear restrictive . For all the positions , fluent written and spoken English is a must .