
  • 网络PLUTO;Bluto;Brutus
  1. 安明智表示,为帮助中国内地游客了解迪士尼卡通人物(如米老鼠和他忠实的狗布鲁托(Pluto))的背景故事,香港迪士尼乐园正在拍摄一个游览前影片,准备在游客游览时放映。

    To help Chinese tourists to understand the back story of Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse and his faithful dog Pluto , Mr Ernest said the park , the first Disneyland in China , is developing a pre-show to screen to its visitors when they visit the attraction .

  2. 布鲁托需要钉子盖他的狗屋。

    Pluto needs some nails to build his dog house .

  3. 布鲁托是我见过的最开心的一条狗。

    Pluto3 is the happiest dog I 've ever met .

  4. 布鲁托在做什么?他在吃蛋糕。

    What is Pluto doing ? He 's eating cake .

  5. 他不希望布鲁托在火车上。

    He doesn 't want Pluto on the train .

  6. 米奇和布鲁托在家里。他们在厨房里。

    Mickey and Pluto are at home . They 're in the kitchen .

  7. 布鲁托是我们最喜欢的宠物和玩伴。

    Pluto was our favorite pet and playmate .

  8. 布鲁托也在车车站。

    Pluto 's at the station , too .

  9. 现在布鲁托和海豹成了朋友。

    Now Pluto and the seal are friends .

  10. 布鲁托在他家的厨房里。

    Pluto 's at home in the kitchen .

  11. 螃蟹在布鲁托的尾巴上。

    The crab is on Pluto 's tail .

  12. 狗儿们喜欢布鲁托的声音吗?

    Do the dogs love Pluto 's voice ?

  13. 布鲁托和米老鼠喜爱旅游。

    Pluto and Mickey love to travel .

  14. 布鲁托偷到了狮子的骨头。

    Pluto takes the lion 's bone .

  15. 原来是一只黑猫&几乎和布鲁托一模一样。

    It was a black cat & closely resembling Pluto in every respect but one .

  16. 布鲁托住在这座屋子里。

    Pluto lives & in this house .

  17. 布鲁托是可爱的狗吗?

    Is Pluto a smart dog ?

  18. 他想吃掉布鲁托。

    He wants to eat Pluto .

  19. 现在听布鲁托唱歌。

    Now listen to Pluto sing .

  20. 海豹帮助布鲁托。

    The seal helps Pluto .

  21. 海豹救了布鲁托。

    The seal saves Pluto .

  22. 与此同时,布鲁托,现在在一个高度理财,将你的星座在紧张与木星的人谈话,礼物和运气,在你保密部门。

    Meanwhile , Pluto , now in a highly financial house of your horoscope , will be in tight conversation with Jupiter , giver of gifts and luck , now in your confidential sector .

  23. 布鲁托表示,在中国有业务的国际客户一直鼓励联合包裹扩大在华业务,它们希望以一种更安全、更可靠且更熟悉的方式来接触国内消费者。

    Mr BRUTTO said UPS had been encouraged to expand in China by its multinational clients who have a presence there but want a safer , more reliable and more familiar way to reach domestic consumers .

  24. 然而布鲁托的律师接受采访时提到,如果在与伊夫·圣·洛朗(一家与布鲁托类似专营时尚品牌的公司)的司法纠纷中对方继续占据优势地位的话,布鲁托目前所有的辉煌都可能处于某种危险之中。

    Yet all this could be at risk , says Louboutin 's lawyer , if Yves Saint Laurent ( YSL ), another fashion firm , continues to gain the upper hand in a legal dispute between the two companies .

  25. 把它带回家的第二天早上,我就发现它像布鲁托一样,也被挖掉了一只眼睛。这一发现,无疑加深了我对它的厌恶。

    What added , no doubt , to my hatred of the beast , was the discovery , on the morning after I brought it home , that , like Pluto , it also had been deprived of one of its eyes .