
  • 网络WIRING DIAGRAM;artwork
  1. 图7中的布线图显示了您需要建立的所有连接。

    The wiring diagram in Figure 7 shows all the connections that you need to make .

  2. 在印刷电路和布线图结构中,指的是引线端、元件、通孔或电路间的连接。

    In PC and wiring diagram construction , refers to electrical connections between pins , components , contacts , or circuits .

  3. 在帕萨特B5轿车布线图的基础上改画成该车防抱死制动系统(ABS)与牵引力控制系统(TCS)电路原理图;

    The circuit schematic diagrams of the ABS and TCS of PASSAT B5 are drawn based on its wiring diagram .

  4. 给出了RTU主控单元PLC的详细布线图以及相应的软件流程和梯形图。

    Third , the chart of detailed electric route , program flow chart , trapezia program of PLC , are the main control machine of RTU , are given .

  5. 承包商应制作“竣工”面板位置图、布线图和互连图。

    Contractor shall produce " as-built " panel location , wiring and interconnection drawings .

  6. 几何学的布置布线图画法几何及机械制图

    Geometric layout Descriptive Geometry & Mechanical Graphing

  7. 承包商应对面板表、示意图、原理图、布线图、仪表刻度和布线表标记“竣工”标记,注明实施工作时做出的更改。

    Contractor shall produce " as-built " markups for panel schedules , schematic diagrams , elementary diagrams , wiring diagrams , instrument index and wiring schedules showing any changes made during performance of the work .

  8. 基于布线资源图的FPGA互连测试算法

    FPGA Interconnect Test Algorithm Based on Routing Resource Graph

  9. 本方法通过对布线资源图中节点分方向遍历,生成全局和局部测试配置,用JTAG施加测试向量激励和回读结果。

    By constructing routing resource graph and searching all nodes of the graph by direction , the proposed method generates total and partial configurations and then uses JTAG boundary scan chain to apply test vectors on them and readback results .

  10. 智能建筑结构化布线施工图计算机辅助优化设计研究

    Study of Optimization Design of Intelligent Building Structured Cabling System CAD Shop Drawing

  11. 与物理设计相关的CAD技术称为布图设计,总体布线是布图设计中一个极为重要的环节。

    The technology of VLSI computer aided physical design is called layout design . Global routing is a significant part of layout design .

  12. 通过研究,本文对AutoCAD2002进行了二次开发,利用VISUALLISP开发技术定义了部分新的AutoCAD命令,利用VISUALLISP编写了能够直接被用来进行结构化布线系统施工图优化设计的程序;

    Through studying , this dissertation further development of AutoCAD 2002 , using Visual LISP compiles some new AutoCAD menus , using Visual LISP compiles some new AutoCAD programs for shop drawing design of structured cabling systems .

  13. 完成了基于128点正交频分复用系统降低峰均比的电路设计,并通过验证、综合和布局布线得出版图。

    Completed the 128 points circuit to reduce the PAPR of the OFDM system . Through the verfication , synthesis and layout is obtained .

  14. 其次,在此基础上,对物理设计流程中的热点问题,诸如:高性能时钟布线、布图规划、布局布线、电源分布网络的设计与优化及寄生参数的提取等,进行了较为深入的研究。

    Second , based on the first point , the author has a deep research on hot problems in physical design flow such as high powerful clock routing , floorplan , place and route , power plan and optimization , parastic extraction and so on .

  15. 但目前结构化布线工程的施工图设计基本上仍然是由设计者手工进行,然后利用AutoCAD等通用绘图软件绘图。其落后的设计手段已经远远不能适应结构化布线系统施工技术的高速发展。

    However , the shop drawings design of structured cabling system is generally taken by hand , and then realized by the help of common drawing software like AutoCAD , which thoroughly lose pace with the highly-speed development of construction technology of structured cabling system .

  16. 本文给出的布线设计以及最终的物理布线效果图,有效地减小了芯片的设计面积。

    In this paper , the cabling design and the physical wiring diagram about NST were built , which reduced the number of links so that the area of chip was also decreased effectively .

  17. 当处理单个H-V布线层对时,根据当前处理的布线层对的障碍物集合,形成非均匀网格图,为迷宫布线建立基础图模型。

    When a net with two terminals is processed , a non-uniform-grid graph is generated by information of block inside the current routing layer pair , which is the basic graph model for maze routing algorithm .

  18. 本研究使用的开发方法很容易被具有结构化布线专业知识和工程实践经验但计算机专业知识不是十分丰富的结构化布线专业的施工图设计者所掌握。

    The development method studied in this dissertation is easy to grasp by architects who have full structured cabling expertise and working experience but are lack of rich computer expertise .

  19. 本文介绍一种新的四边通道布线器(DDCR),该布线器基于启发式原则提出,并应用动态布线密度和约束图完成线网定序和连线段选择。

    A ovel switchbox router , DDCR , is described in this paper . Based on the heuristic principle , it features a dynamic routing density and constraint graph to complete the ordering of nets as well as the selection of routing segment .