
  • 网络bradley center;Bradley Centre
  1. 雄鹿主场布拉德利中心球馆附近BratHouse饭店的总经理詹妮弗-费林说,她在8年的经营中从未见过这么多穿雄鹿队服的顾客。

    At the Milwaukee Brat House near the team 's current Bradley Center home , the manager Jennifer Fellin said she saw more patrons wearing Bucks gear now than at any other point in her eight-year stint at the restaurant .

  2. 在另一个平行宇宙中,作为雄鹿队球员的诺维茨基正在布拉德利中心球馆经历他的第20个赛季。

    In an alternate universe , right there in the Bradley Center is where Nowitzki would have spent his 20-year career .