
àn jīn
  • deposit;rent
  1. 家长服务按金在学生退学或毕业时退回。

    The deposit will be refunded when students withdraw or graduate from KCS .

  2. 总费上的按金是必要的以完成您的申请。

    A deposit on your total fees is required to complete your application .

  3. 按金铀矿床的成因类型可划分为:1.变质砾岩型Au-U矿床,2.沉积角砾岩型Cu-U-Au矿床;

    According to their genesis , Au-U ore deposits may be divided into six types : ( 1 ) metamorphic conglomerate Au-U type ore deposits ; ( 2 ) sedimentary breccia Cu-U-Au type ;

  4. 矿浆电解渣氰化浸出,金浸出率95.30%,氰化钠用量按金精矿计由常规的14kg/t降至5.1kg/t。

    The Au leaching recovery from slurry electrolysis residue in cyanide leaching process is 95.30 % , and the cyanide consumption is decreased to 5.1kg/t from normal 14kg / t corresponding to the concentrate .

  5. 倘遗失储物箱锁匙,按金概不发还。

    Deposit will be forfeited if the locker key is lost .

  6. 外汇按金交易的业务及监管

    On Business and Supervision of Foreign Exchange Cash Deposit Transaction

  7. 所有月付客户均需支付两个月的按金。

    Monthly pay need to pay two month deposit .

  8. 进行变卖商品的交易商品交易商按金基金

    Trafficked in liquidation merchandise Commodities Dealers ' Deposit Fund

  9. 购买价格中的某一个百分比作为按金以绑定售卖房地产的约定。

    A percentage of the purchase price given to bind the sale of real estate .

  10. 可否告诉我你们的外汇孖展买卖按金是多少?

    May I ask how much you require for margin deposits in foreign exchange margin trading ?

  11. 撤展时,外来施工单位在清理及妥善交还场地后,按金可凭收据原款退还。

    The deposit is refundable upon the proper placing of his construction materials on site and removal .

  12. 作为一种投资工具,外汇按金交易的开展只是时间上的问题。

    As a tool of investment , foreign exchange cash deposit transaction will be conducted some day .

  13. 商品交易商按金基金

    Commodities Dealers ' Deposit Fund

  14. 或者按金的建议,你能把书带到等候室、跑步机或厕所。

    Or , as King suggests , you can bring a book to waiting rooms , treadmills or toilets .

  15. 香港期货交易所清算系统是分级和分层次的,分层化的市场结构是保证期货市场正常运行的主要措施,按金和每日清算制度是风险处理制度的命脉。

    The market structure of administrative levels is the main measure to assure the normal operation of index futures market ;

  16. 然而,若交还首饰时发现有任何损坏,我们将保留不退回按金的权利。

    However , where damages are found upon return of accessories , we reserve the right to forfeit the deposit .

  17. 两个月租金作按金及一个月预付租金。我明天要付下个月租金。

    A : Two months deposit and one month 's rent payable in advance . and it 's due tomorrow .

  18. 水樽按金于首次送货时缴付,每樽收取代$20,按金将于退回水樽时退还。

    A deposit of $ 20 per bottle will be collected at the first delivery and is refundable upon return of bottle .

  19. 本公司保留权利要求客户在开始服务时或于服务期间缴付按金或额外按金。

    The Company may at its discretion request the payment of a deposit or an additional deposit before providing the Service or during the Service .

  20. 您可选择以定期存款作按金,在把握外汇投资良机的同时,亦可赚取较高的存款利息。

    You can choose to pledge your time deposits as collateral , allowing you to earn higher interest while capitalizing on foreign exchange investment opportunities .

  21. 而且,由于其它货币按金本位制度下的固定汇率与美元挂钩,美国通货紧缩引发了外国的通货紧缩。

    And since other currencies were linked to the dollar by the fixed exchange rates of the gold standard , US deflation caused foreign deflation .

  22. 假若家长选择的新导师的时薪高于原来导师时,家长亦需要缴付导师费之差价,但假若新的导师费低于原来时薪时,本公司承诺退回贵客户多付的导师费按金。

    If the replacement tutor 's fee is higher than the original tutor 's , the parent needs to pay the difference , and if the replacement tutor 's fee is lower than the original tutor 's , language mama will refund the difference from the tutor fee deposit .

  23. 按扩大金标准,对TC阴性和Gap-LCR阳性结果分析选用主要外膜蛋白基因omp1引物进行多聚酶链式反应(PCR)反应分析;

    The tissue culture ( TC ) negative and Gap-LCR positive specimens were analysed by major outer membrane protein gene probe polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .

  24. 马村墓室全部为砖质仿木结构,按宋金时期民宅院落形式建筑。

    Horse Village tomb quality all brick wood structure , according to Song period courtyard house form building .

  25. 在市场规模相对较小下,按单位权利金授权,本国厂商利润达到最高;

    However , as the market is relatively smaller , the domestic firm 's profit under unit royalty is the highest among all the forgoing conditions .

  26. 支柱型外商投资企业以出让方式取得土地使用权,一次性缴纳土地出让金的,可按土地出让金的50%进行返还。

    Pillar foreign-invested enterprises that get land use right in the form of transfer may get50 % refunding from land transfer payment if they pay for the land transfer in lump sum .

  27. 本文发现定额权利金授权下的社会福利、消费者剩余与产品品质,均优于无技术授权、按单位权利金与按混合式授权的结果;

    In this study , it is found that the social welfare , consumer surplus , and the production quality under fixed fee royalty are better than those under other conditions : no technology licensing , unit royalty , and mixed licensing etc.

  28. 结果:392例受检查者,按“扩大的金标准”CT感染者共46例,发病率为11.73%(46/392),培养、PCR、LAB、QUICK敏感性分别为58.70%、91·30%、95.65%、54.37%。

    Results : According to the " expanding gold standard ", there were 46 cases diagnosed with CT infection . The chlamydia positivity was 11.73 ( 46 / 392 ) . The sensitivity of cell culture , PCR , French LAB and America Quick was 58.70,91.30, 95.65 and 54.37 respectively .

  29. 结果表明:按实验条件、金的回收率达96%~101%。

    The result showed that the recovery of gold was 96 % ~ 101 % .

  30. 英国政府决心一面按战前平价回归金本位(它在1925年实现了这一目标),一面偿清公债、以维护国家信誉。

    The government resolved both to return to the gold standard at the prewar parity , which it did in 1925 , and to pay off the public debt , to preserve creditworthiness .