
àn yuè
  • monthly;per mensem
按月[àn yuè]
  1. 你为什么不把汽车保险费按月分期支付呢?

    Why not pay monthly and spread the cost of your car insurance ?

  2. 这样按月还钱,你能承受得了吗?

    Are the monthly repayments within your means ?

  3. 这笔借款能以按月摊付的方式偿还。

    The loan is repayable in monthly instalments .

  4. 本价格可按月分期付款。

    The price is payable in monthly instalments .

  5. 她按月领薪水。

    She gets paid monthly .

  6. 你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。

    You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly ; those are the two alternatives .

  7. 通常可将一年再按月细分。

    Months are a conventional subdivision of the year .

  8. 利息按月支付。提款须提前3个月通知银行。

    Interest is paid monthly . Three months ' notice is required for withdrawals

  9. 将账单按月累加,再从收入中扣除。

    Add up the bills for each month . Take this away from the income .

  10. 我按月领工资。

    I get paid monthly

  11. 会按月给韦德开工资,而不是按小时,无论他是否工作了40个小时。

    Wade was going to be paid a salary , instead of by the hour , whether he put in forty hours or not

  12. 我按月分期偿还购买房子的款项。

    I am paying for the house by monthly instalments .

  13. 按月计算的日P/B为0.54-2.48。

    M - 3 d - 1 , the value of daily P / B calculated monthly 0.54-2.48 .

  14. 与其他云不同的是:客户将会按月付费,而不是按CPU使用量或按小时服务。

    One different aspect from other offerings is that customers will pay a monthly fee rather than pay per CPU usage or hour .

  15. 共识经济学公司(consensuseconomics)按月编制的增长预测显示,随着华尔街和伦敦金融城的专业人士纷纷卷入事端,悲观情绪不断加重。

    The forecasts for growth compiled every month by consensus economics show a persistent move towards pessimism as Wall Street and City professionals catch up with events .

  16. 订阅式商业模式处于领先的是云服务公司Salesforce.com和Box,他们从最开始便采取对用户按月收费的方式。

    At the obvious top of the subscription-based model list are cloud software companies like Salesforce.com and Box , which have always charged a monthly per-user fee for their online enterprise products .

  17. 目前,SamsungGalaxy平板机用户可以单个或者按月订阅这些电子刊物。

    For now , the publications will be available as single issues or monthly subscriptions to select users of the Samsung Galaxy tablet .

  18. 实际上,这种模式并不新鲜:多年以来,许多公司一直在销售按月订阅的各种商品和服务,比如《财富》杂志(Fortune)。

    It 's actually not that new : Businesses have been selling monthly subscriptions for all sorts of goods and services for years - magazines like Fortune come to mind .

  19. WAO将按月支付薪水和一年一次的旅途交通费用。

    WAO will contribute a monthly stipend and yearly travel expenses .

  20. DMR旅行服务按月收取费用,以每月20个小时,675美元为最低价。

    Fees are based on monthly retainers which start at $ 675 for a20-hour month .

  21. 另外,你还要通过各种途径使自己可以在机遇出现的时候能够快速抓住它,比如你可以按月或按季度重新审视自己并用新的成果来更新你的简历;同步更新在LinkedIn上的信息;

    This could include reviewing and updating your resume with new accomplishments on a monthly or quarterly basis , keeping your LinkedIn account current ,

  22. Rothman建议人们用一年来”按月写工作记录“。

    " Do a month-by-month resume " for the past year , Rothman advises .

  23. 该书店的租约在8月到期时,MTA没有与之续约;自此以后,书店一直是按月缴费,维持经营的。

    The M.T.A. opted not to renew its lease when it expired in August , and the store has operated on a month-to-month basis since then .

  24. 对于比较节俭的人来说,2G移动电话和按月付费方式还是容易承担的,对于全球大多数人来说,3G移动电话并不在考虑范围内。

    For people on a budget , 2G phones and their monthly fees are much easier on the wallet , and for most people in the world , 3G isn 't even an option yet .

  25. 这些都是来自Scribd及Oyster公司的见解,这两家初创企业以按月付订阅费的模式提供无限量的电子书租阅服务。

    These are some of the insights from Scribd Inc. and Oyster , two startups that offer unlimited e-book rentals for a monthly subscription fee .

  26. Scribd在1月22日宣布,该公司的应用可在亚马逊(Amazon)的KindleFire和KindlePaperwhite上下载。这家总部位于旧金山的网站从去年10月开始推出按月付费的电子书订阅服务。

    Scribd , a San Francisco-based site that started selling monthly e-book subscriptions in October , announced Jan. 22 that its app is available on Amazon 's Kindle Fire and Kindle Paperwhite .

  27. 但如果用户按月缴纳一定费用,则还可观看更多的节目,而且还可以在越来越多类似iPad和智能手机的设备上观看节目。

    Viewers can watch some shows for free on the web , but for a monthly fee , they can watch even more shows on and do so on an expanding list of devices like iPads and smartphones .

  28. 其他改进包括:增强了iPhone4的新能;键盘、计算器及许多图标的字形可以选择使用粗体;日历可以选择按月显示事件;Siri针对中文普通话、英式英语、澳大利亚英语和日语版本,推出了全新的更为自然的男声和女声。

    Other improvements include making iOS 7 faster for iPhone 4 users , a new bold font option for the keyboard , a month-at-a-glance view in the calendar and new voices for Siri in British and Australian English , Mandarin and Japanese .

  29. 在全球范围内,Netflix将按月收费并提供服务,其在印度的月费为500卢比(约7.5美元)。全球用户可以观看Netflix的原创剧集以及其持有版权的诸多电视节目及电影。

    Around the globe , Netflix will be available for one monthly price - in India that is 500 rupees , or about $ 7.50 - and global subscribers will be able to watch Netflix original series as well as a library of licensed television shows and movies .

  30. lipper研究分析师shokoshinoda也表示,日本投资者正追逐高收益,青睐投资于全球或美国房地产投资信托以及高收益的新兴市场债券策略、按月派息的基金。

    Shoko Shinoda , a research analyst at Lipper , also said Japanese investors were seeking higher yields , favouring monthly dividend pay-out funds investing in global or US real estate investment trusts and high-yield emerging market bond strategies .