
  • 网络Master of Engineering
  1. 工程硕士专业学位研究生培养调查

    A Survey and Analysis of the Education of Master of Engineering Students

  2. b.山坡地质量累计侵蚀退化评判模型.西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文(4)化强度。

    B. retrogression judging model of the quality of brae by accumulative-total corrosion .

  3. 发展工程硕士专业学位推进工科研究生教育改革

    Developing the Education of Engineering Master and Improving the Educational Reform of Engineering Graduate Students

  4. 工程硕士专业学位教育质量管理与评价体系研究

    Study on the Management and Evaluation System of the Education Cultivating Quality of Engineering Master Degree

  5. 基于工程硕士专业学位教育的产学合作培养应用型研究生有效模式

    An Effective Mode of Cultivate a practical Graduate of Research & Technology Corporation on Education of Master Degree of Engineering

  6. 本文对工程硕士专业学位的设置、培养、质量监控等问题进行了分析、讨论,并就解决某些问题的对策提出了意见和建议。

    Quality monitoring ; and , control of the engineering Master 's degree . Complaints and suggestions for the countermeasures are put forth .

  7. 本论文在做了大量研究开发工作的基础上,实现了对王益区水务信西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文息的输入、输出、查询、预测、调度等主要功能。

    Based on plenty of studying and developing , this paper fulfils the function of inputting and outputting , querying , forecasting and dispatching .

  8. 本研究以全日制材料工程硕士专业学位为具体研究视角,研究第一部分为绪论,主要阐述研究的选题背景、研究目的、研究现状综述,并提出研究思路与方法。

    The first part of this study is the introduction . This part mainly expounds the research background , the research objective , literature review and the research methods .

  9. 第二部分为文献研究,主要对全日制工程硕士专业学位的内涵与特点进行梳理。

    The second part of this study is the literature research . This part of study is to summarize the connotation and characteristics of the full-time master of material engineering .

  10. 以源头控制为主的综合防污减灾战略:五、保证生西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文态环境用水的水资源配置战略;

    Comprehensive strategy for control of water pollution and mitigation of disaster by emphasizing source control . 5 . strategy of water resources allocation to ensure water demand of ecological environment .

  11. 根据向阳沟流域坡面小区汛期降雨产流、产沙资料,并结合植被西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文因子建立了植被度与减水减沙效益的定量关系。

    The quantitative relationships between the reduction benefits of water and sediment yield and vegetation coverage are established on the basis of the rainfall-runoff and rainfall-sediment yield data monitored in flood season .

  12. 本文在对西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文此总结的基础上,提出了适应于抓斗薄墙技术质量控制和检测的一些新方法和新观点,并在实践中得到验证。

    Based on the conclusion to the above , this article raises some new methods and fresh opinions for GTDW about the quality control and check which has been verified in practice .

  13. 学校设有51个专业,有113个硕士学位授权点,另设MBA,MPA、工程硕士3个专业学位授权点,67个博士学位授权点,国家级重点学科7个,博士后流动站10个。

    The University has designed 51 undergraduate programs , 113 master 's degree programs with 3 discipline programs of MBA , MPA and engineering master , and 67 doctoral degree programs . It has 7 state key disciplines and 10 post-doctorate research stations .

  14. 因此,作者从工作实践出发,提出加快工程硕士教育发展的途径和措施:发展工程硕士专业学位研究生教育要走产学研相结合的道路,工作重心应该从外延发展转移到内涵建设上来。

    This paper discusses the methods and measures of furthering the development of engineering postgraduate education on the basis of the author 's working practice .

  15. 通过对全国主要的11所高等工科院校的工程硕士研究生以及管理干部进行调查问卷数据的统计分析,可以基本掌握目前我国工程硕士专业学位教育的发展现状;

    Through the survey on MEng students and administrative cadres from 11 universities in the whole country by questionnaire , we could basically know the present situation of MEng education in China .