
  • 网络industrial informationization
  1. 随着航空工业信息化的发展,形成的大量的原始数据急需相关知识管理系统对其进行加工利用。

    With the development of the aviation industrial informationization formed large amounts of original data which is need to be processed and applied .

  2. CIMS技术在工业信息化进程中起着十分重要的作用。

    CIMS technology plays an important role in industry informationization .

  3. 本文针对航空工业信息化状况,剖析航空工业供应链管理系统特点,提出UML与RUP中用例驱动方法相结合的优化开发模式。

    Aimed at the information situation of Aviation Industry , the paper analyses the characteristics about supply chain management system of Aviation Industry , and put forward an optimized development pattern that UML is directed by Use Case Driven of RUP .

  4. 过程工业信息化与组织模式重构

    The Informational Activities of Process Industry and Restructuring of Organizational Model

  5. 2003-2004年机械工业信息化发展概况

    Overview on Development of Machine Manufacturing Sector Informatization in 2003-2004

  6. 工业信息化推动着各种信号处理技术不断发展。

    Industry informatization promotes the continuous development of various signal processing techniques .

  7. 以改革的精神推进湖北电力工业信息化

    In the Spirit of Reform to Advance the Information System of Hubei Power Industry

  8. 随着工业信息化的不断发展,计算机应用得到普遍推广。

    With the continuous development of industrial information technology , computer application has been popularized .

  9. 汽车工业信息化建设

    Automotive Industry IT Business Construction

  10. 电力操作票系统和工程项目管理系统的建设是电力工业信息化的重要内容。

    Power system operation ticket system and project management system are two important software systems of power industry informatization .

  11. 同时为确保烟草工业信息化取得最大的成功,给出了信息系统实施的保障措施。

    In order to put the tobacco industry information in practice successfully , the paper also puts forward systematical guarantee measures .

  12. 工业信息化与自动化的不断融合,迫切要求在工业网络控制系统中进行多媒体业务流的复合传输。

    The continues integration of industry information and automation urges the multimedia complex transmission in NCS ( Network Control System ) .

  13. 特别是党的十六大加强电子政务作为一项基本国策写入新的五年规划,电子政务将在推进政府管理创新、促进工业信息化过程中起到革命性的作用。

    Especially the 16th National Party Congress decided to strengthen e-governance as a basic national policy and wrote it into a new five-year plan .

  14. 随着经济全球化和工业信息化的发展,企业的快速响应能力成为企业的核心竞争力。

    With the development of economic globalization and industrial informatization , the ability of rapid response to the market becomes a core competitiveness of enterprises .

  15. 模具制造业作为一个国家制造业的基础和标志,在我国被列为机械工业信息化改造序列的第一位。

    As the foundation and mark of a country 's manufacturing , mould manufacturing has been given the first rank of the mechanism industry informatization in our country .

  16. 而现代城市建筑小品与传统小品相比,其功能、造型、材料和工艺更体现出工业信息化时代的特点。

    The pieces of modern urban architecture and traditional pieces compared to its function , shape , materials and processes but also reflect the characteristics of industrial information age .

  17. 传统的8/16位单片机因处理速度慢,存储容量小等缺点被受到限制,很难较好的满足工业信息化的发展。

    Traditional 8 to 16 bit monolithic integrated circuits are limited in slow operating speed and small storage capacity , so it is hard to better meet the information industry development .

  18. 这些装置体积大、布线多、不能随意改变操作方式和工艺流程显示,在一定程度上阻碍了工业信息化的发展。

    Because these equipments hold big cubage and need complex cabling , operator can not change mode of operation and flow of show at will and it blocks the development of industry information in some degree .

  19. 国际工业信息化的发展加速了企业生产的信息化建设,现代企业生产管理中各种信息系统的构建推进了企业在新型工业化道路上的建设。

    With the development of international industrial informatization , the construction of enterprise production becomes faster and faster . And with all kinds of information systems being built in modern enterprises production management , enterprises go forward to the construction of new type industry .

  20. 随着工业信息化和自动化的不断发展融合,各工业控制领域不仅有传统的实时性要求较高的测量控制数据,而且还有其他多种业务数据,多媒体数据是这类业务数据的主要成分。

    With the continuous development of industrial information and automation , industrial control field includes not only the traditional real-time requirements of the measurement and control data , but also a variety of other data , multimedia data is the main component of the type of data .

  21. 本文阐述了信息化建设对造船企业发展的重要意义,分析了上海船舶工业信息化现状和不足,提出了建立船舶现代集成制造系统的目标,是上海船舶工业信息化建设的有效途径。

    This paper describes the significance of informatization construction for shipbuilding enterprises , analyses the current condition and deficiencies of Shanghai shipbuilding industry in its informatization , and proposes that the target of building CIMS is the concrete and effective approach for Shanghai shipbuilding industry to achieve informatization construction .

  22. 工业和信息化部表示,我国将建设国家工业互联网大数据中心,加强对中国工业互联网公司海外上市的监管和协调。

    China will build a national data center for the industrial internet and strengthen the supervision and coordination of overseas listings of Chinese industrial internet companies , according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .

  23. 监管电信运营商的中国工业和信息化部(ministryofindustryandinformationtechnology)旨在促进国内技术创新,加强电信和it基础设施,提升网络设备和其它电子产品的需求。

    The Ministry of industry and information technology , in charge of the telecom operators , aims to foster domestic technological innovation , strengthen the telecom and it infrastructure and boost demand for networking equipment and other electronics products .

  24. 2009年1月7日,工业和信息化部向中国电信、中国联通、中国移动正式颁发了3G牌照。

    On 7th Jan.2009 Beijing time , M ⅱ( the Ministry of Information Industry ) officially issued 3G license for China Telecom , China Unicom and China Mobile .

  25. 中国工业和信息化部在发给《华尔街日报》的一份声明中称,中国的钢铁出口(包括出口至美国的钢铁)遵守世界贸易组织(WTO)的规则。

    In a statement to The Wall Street Journal , China 's Ministry of Information and Industry Technology said China 's steel exports , including those to the U.S. , abide by the World Trade Organization rules .

  26. 2009年初,工业和信息化部正式向中国电信、中国移动及中国联通颁布3G牌照,这也预示着3G时代的到来。

    Early in 2009 , Industry and Information Ministry enacted officially 3G licenses to China Telecom , China Mobile and China Unicom , which also implies the coming of 3G era .

  27. 工业和信息化部2009年向三大运营商发放3G牌照,意味着我国通信行业正式进入了3G时代。

    After the the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC issuing the three telecommunication operators 3G license in 2009 , our telecommunication industry has officially entered the 3G era .

  28. 随着工业和信息化部的成立和3G建设的启动,中国电信行业改革发展进入新阶段。

    With the foundation of Industry and Information Technology Ministry and the start of 3G network construction in China , the Chinese telecommunication industry reformation has step into a new era .

  29. 2009年1月7日,工业和信息化部正式向中国移动、中国联通、中国电信发放了3G拍照,从而使移动通信市场格局发生了根本性的变化。

    January 7,2009 , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology formally to China Mobile , China Unicom , China Telecom issued a 3G camera , making mobile communications market has undergone fundamental change .

  30. 工业和信息化部副部长表示,截至10月份,中国已开通70多万个5G基站。

    A vice minister of the Industry and Information Technology says China has launched over 700-thousand 5G base stations as of October .