
  1. 用Solidworks进行工业设计产品表达

    Product expression in industry design by Solidworks

  2. 工业设计产品虚拟设计平台研究

    Study on Product Exploitation of Industrial Design Based on the Flat of Virtual Design

  3. 面向工业设计的产品设计DNA理论研究

    Research on Theory of Design DNA in Industrial Design

  4. 工业设计与产品包装

    Industrial Design and Product Packaging Changzhou Normal College of Technology

  5. 面向工业设计的产品创新流程体系的研究

    The Study of Product Exploiting Flow System for Industry Design

  6. 支持工业设计的产品族结构模型研究

    Research on product family structure model for industrial design

  7. 基于工业设计的产品动作美学的研究与实践

    Product Action Aesthetics Research and Practice of Industrial Design

  8. 工业设计中产品概念设计研究

    Study of Conceptual Design of Product in Industrial Design

  9. 工业设计与产品、企业、市场

    Industrial Design and Product , Enterprise and Market

  10. 论工业设计与产品创新

    Research on industrial design and product innovation

  11. 工业设计中产品脆值的应用

    Application of product vulnerability in industry design

  12. 与麦哲伦技术创新成果在我们的产品用于制药工业设计的产品组合的合作。

    The cooperation with Magellan Technology results in new innovations in our product portfolio designed for the pharmaceutical industry .

  13. 武汉理工大学艺术与设计学院工业设计系产品与展示设计

    Design of Product and Display from the Industrial Design Department of The Art & Design Institute , Wuhan University of Technology

  14. 以工业设计中产品造型设计与材料、工艺的关系为主题,分析了产品选型与材料及工艺三者之间的相互影响、相互制约作用。

    The relationship among the design of industrial products and material and technology is discussed . The influence of the form of products and material and technology are analyzed .

  15. 工程技术设计与工业设计是产品设计中的两个重要因素,由于它们的侧重点不同,出现一些不利于设计衔接的因素在所难免。

    Engineering design and industrial design are two important factors of modern product design , due to their different emphases , some conflicts of the design transition are inevitable .

  16. 也为本土企业运用工业设计进行产品创新时提出建议。

    This result can also provide the suggestions for the local enterprises , which are also applying the industrial design into the product innovation in the development of the company .

  17. 产品的技术设计是产品的物化设计,工业设计是产品的人化设计,即产品的文化设计。

    Technical design of a product is named as materialized product design , while industrial design is human-centered product design , in other words , cultural design of a product .

  18. 在工业设计和产品开发中,人中心设计的理念现在已经成为一种共识,与此形成对比的是,在产品开发中,将计算机辅助人机工程设计作为手段却并不常见。

    The methodology of human-centered design is now a common sense in industrial design and product development while the means of computer-aided ergonomic design is not yet a commonplace in product development .

  19. 通过二极管泵浦固体激光器结构设计的分析,说明了在机械设计中模块化设计形成的特点,探讨工业设计在产品造型系统化设计中,运用模块化设计思想的可行性。

    Diode pump solid state laser structural design analysis was taken as example to explain the characteristics of modulation design in industrial design . The feasibility and superiority of applying modulation design concept in industrial design was discussed .

  20. 通过审视传统工业设计和产品成本管理的现状,揭示了成本的技术内涵,提出了工业成本设计和成本技术等新概念。

    According to the surveys on the present situations of the traditional cost design and product cost management , the connotation of the industry cost technology , the new concepts of the industry cost design and cost technology are proposed .

  21. 第四章,按照工业设计的产品系统设计和绿色设计理论,对常州梳篦产业的产业规划、产品企划、产品造型设计、产品制造工艺设计和产品商品化设计各部分作较为全面的构想和设计;

    Chapter 4 , With reference to systematic design theory and green design theory , a comparatively general conceiving is put forwarded on the industry planning , product planning , product form design , product manufacture technics design and product commercialization design .

  22. 面向工业设计的家电产品价值机会及其实现方法研究

    Household Appliances Value Opportunity and Realization Method Research Introduces Industrial Design

  23. 工业设计是提高产品竞争力的有效手段。

    Industrial design is an effective way to enhance product competitivenesss .

  24. 工业设计&增强产品竞争力的重要策略

    Industrial Design & The Key Strategy to Improve Competitive Competence of Products

  25. 面向工业造型设计的产品设计定位方法研究

    Research of Design Directional Method for Industrial Design

  26. 工业设计在改进产品外观中的应用

    Application of Industry Design on Improving Product Appearance

  27. 在工业设计领域,产品形态仿生设计一直是一种重要设计方法。

    In the field of industrial design , bionics is always an important method for product design .

  28. 析工业设计方法和产品造型关系

    Industrial Design and Product Design

  29. 本文以美术学中的水彩技法为主要研究形式对工业设计中的产品表现进行归纳和大胆的探索。

    Based on the art of watercolor techniques as the main form of industrial research in product design performance summarized and bold explorations .

  30. 工业设计中的产品造型,实质上是与人进行沟通的语言。

    In this paper , it points out : the shape style of product in industry design is indeed a language which can communicate with person .