
  • 网络Garden Design
  1. 明安绿苑翠庭屋顶花园设计

    Roof Garden Design for Ming An Lv Yuan Cui Ting

  2. 由2006年切尔西花展看花园设计的新趋势

    Investigation of the new trends of garden design from Chelsea Flower Show 2006

  3. 为了达到提神效果,碧思丽(Beesley)建议将花园设计得五彩缤纷,并种植有香气的植物,例如薰衣草、迷迭香等。

    To help " raise the spirits ", Beesley advises using scented shrubs such as lavender or rosemary , and lots of colours .

  4. 四川农业大学图书馆中庭花园设计

    The plan for the library 's garden of Sichuan Agricultural University

  5. 为景区或花园设计迷人特征的人。

    Someone who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively .

  6. 将花园设计成一个主题式花园的概念;

    The concept of the garden as a theme garden ;

  7. 创造环境设计生活:兴隆城市花园设计浅析

    Creating environment and designing life : design analysis of Xinglong Urban Park

  8. 弗洛拉:有些花园设计得比较好。

    F : Well , some garden designs are preferable .

  9. 中国宝塔在近代欧洲花园设计中的应用

    Eastern Asian Pagodas Adopted in Modern European Garden Designs

  10. 屋顶花园设计及其改善城市人居环境的功效

    The design for rooftop gardens and its function on promoting dwelling circumstance in urban areas

  11. 试论屋顶花园设计中的生态问题

    Ecological problems in roof garden design

  12. 碧波花园设计的几点体会

    Several Design Experience of Bibo Garden

  13. 浅谈屋顶花园设计

    The Research on Roof Garden Design

  14. 大型综合体&泉花园设计

    Mega-complex : Izumi Garden Design

  15. 武汉常青花园设计

    Wuhan Evergreen Garden Design

  16. 聚岭南文化之精华弘岭南建筑之精髓&广州岭南花园设计

    Gather the essence of Lingnan culture , carry forward the quintessence of Lingnan architecture & Guangzhou Lingnan Garden design

  17. 深圳红树西岸工程地下室顶板空中花园设计为种植及蓄水屋面。

    The top plate of basement of Shenzhen West Red-tree Project was designed as a planted and impounded roof .

  18. 因此,在花园设计研究中,急需选择一种经济、美观、实用的可持续发展的花园设计方法。

    Therefore , it is urgent to find an economic , aesthetic , practical and sustainable method in garden design .

  19. 缘空间的特性及其在景观设计中的运用以弗吉尼亚花园设计为例

    Features of the Gray Space and its Application in Landscape Design & A Case Study in the Design of Virginia Garden

  20. 这种秩序感和平衡感在中国传统的大景观和花园设计上都体现出来。

    This sense of order , of seeking balance , is manifested in the great landscape and garden design tradition of China .

  21. 花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方的建筑艺术的风格。

    Its unique design is characterized by the styles of both the Ming and Qing Dynasties , which features the ancient southern architectures .

  22. 加强居住区园林景观保健功效的建设屋顶花园设计及其改善城市人居环境的功效

    Strengthen the Health Function Construction of Afforested Landscape in Community The design for rooftop gardens and its function on promoting dwelling circumstance in urban areas

  23. 通过对南沙滨海花园设计的总结,阐述对住宅小区设计的一些认识,希望能起到供类似案例借鉴的作用。

    With a view to the summary of design of Nansha strand garden , the paper details some knowing on the design of residential districts , and provides important lessons for the similar cases to draw from .

  24. 在地下层引入了下沉花园的设计。

    Introduced in the sinking of the lower flower Garden design .

  25. 本文主要研究自闭症儿童康复花园的设计策略。

    This study is major in the healing garden of autistic children .

  26. 广州南沙滨海花园小区设计探讨

    Discussion on the Design of Nansha Strand Garden in Guangzhou

  27. 广州黄埔花园规划设计特色分析

    Analysis on the Characteristics of Planning and Design of Huangpu Garden in Guangzhou

  28. 我国南方城市花园住宅设计研究

    The Garden House Design in China 's Southern Cities

  29. 中凯城市之光花园的设计理念和品质特征

    Concept of " Top of City " Garden Design and the Distinctive Quality

  30. 白云高尔夫花园家居设计&广东华浔品味装饰有限公司作品精选

    Interior Design of BAIYUN Golf Garden-Choiceness of Works of Hua Xun Interior Design