
  • 网络Garden Road
  1. 月票只在花园道缆车总站发售。

    Monthly ticket will be on sale at Garden Road terminal .

  2. 另外,还有作为区域性运输系统而行走于港岛北岸的电车,以及连接港岛中区花园道和山顶的缆车。

    There is also a tramway serving as a local distributor on the northern shore of the Hong Kong Island and a funicular tramway running between Central ( Garden Road ) and the Peak .

  3. 其花园、进入道等为共有。

    Who has access to keys ?

  4. 我打猎归来,走在沿着花园的林荫道上,我的狗在我的前面跑着。

    I was returning from hunting , and walking along an avenue of the garden , my dog running in front of me .

  5. 玛利亚解释了她为什么会迟到,并说那座山峰见证了她的成长,并且为了没有得到允可就在花园里唱歌道了谦。

    Maria explains her lateness , saying she was raised on that mountain , and also apologizes for singing in the garden without permission .

  6. 安德烈公爵在沿着花园的林荫道驶近奥特拉德诺耶村罗斯托夫家的寓所时,觉得不高兴,忧心忡忡,想到他应该向首席贵族问清一些事情。

    Prince Andrey drove along the avenue leading to the Rostovs'house at Otradnoe , depressed and absorbed in considering what questions he must ask the marshal about his business .

  7. 我们打算在花园周围筑一道新篱笆。

    We 're going to put up a new fence around our garden .

  8. 花园后面有一道篱笆把我们同邻居隔开。

    An old fence at the back of the garden separated us from the neighbours .

  9. 压力就是隔在两座宁静花园里的一道墙一座你现在所在的花园和一座你想要去的花园。

    Stress is but a wall between two peaceful gardens the garden where you are and garden where you want to be .

  10. 修建这所房子的花园四周有一道围墙,只有通过一道门才能进入园内。

    The garden in which the cottage stood was surrounded by a wall , and could only be entered through a door .

  11. 探讨住宅小区规划与营销策划&剖析重庆洋河花园小区成功之道

    Inquire into the plan of residential district and sell market plot & To analyse the way of success in Chongqing Yanghe Flower Garden district

  12. 我觉到晕厥,当清晨奔跑在,花园潮湿的绿道上,露珠在我脸上留下清冷的一吻。

    There was the faint , cool kiss of sensuality when dew came to my cheeks and shins as I ran down the wet green garden paths in the early morning .

  13. 在他的花园和我们的花园之间有一道栅栏。

    There is a fence between his garden and our garden .