
  • 网络ufls
  1. 电力系统新型低频减载装置的协调控制策略

    Coordination Control Strategy for Power System New-style UFLS Device

  2. 文中针对孤立小受端系统,通过仿真表明在大有功缺额扰动下此类系统极易出现低电压问题,从而很大程度上影响了频率行为,并影响了低频减载装置的动作。

    Especially for the small isolated receiving power systems , simulation results have shown that such systems will suffer from voltage problems which will affect the frequency behavior and furthermore the action of UFLS utilities .

  3. 基于DSP的新型低频减载装置的研究

    Study of the new UFLS device based on DSP

  4. 其核心问题是基于多机模型的在线低频减载装置定值计算,文中采用基于进化计算的粒子群游算法(ParticleSwarmoptimization简称PSO)进行求解。

    Particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm , which is based on the evolutionary computation , is used to solve the settings .

  5. 该系统软件通过从EMS调度自动化系统和集中式低频减载装置实时获取观测数据,实现低频在线计算与方案整定计算(切负荷比例或容量)。

    The system software from the EMS dispatching automation system and centralized UFLS device acquires the real-time observation data , low frequency on-line calculation and scheme of setting calculation ( Tangential load ratio or capacity ) .

  6. 对实际系统建立了单机模型,利用MATLAB进行了低频减载方案的设计和优化;通过PSS/E的仿真试验,结果证明了该低频减载方案的有效性。

    The paper has established the single machine model of the above actual system , using the MATLAB software to carry out the under-frequency load shedding program designing and optimization ; Through the PSS / E software , the results show that this under frequency load shedding scheme is effective .

  7. 江西电网低频减载装置的一次动作分析

    First Action Analysis of Under Frequency Load Shedding Equipment in Jiangxi Network

  8. 重要供电小区低频减载的研究

    Research on Under Frequency Unloading of Important Power Supply Area

  9. 电力系统低频减载分析软件包的开发和应用

    Development and application of power system under-frequency load shedding analysis software package

  10. 减少低频减载方案过切的措施研究

    Measures to reduce over-shedding caused by under-frequency load shedding project

  11. 基于闭环控制的独立电力系统低频减载策略

    Close-loop Control Based Under-frequency Load Shedding Strategy Suitable for Isolated Power System

  12. 电力系统低频减载的现状和应用

    Current Status of Low Freguency Load Shedding in Power System and its Application

  13. 新型低频减载方案的研究

    Study on a New Scheme of Under-frequeucy Load Shedding

  14. 复杂扩展式电力系统低频减载方案设计

    The design of under frequency load shedding scheme in large scale multi-machine power systems

  15. 基于系统频率特性的低频减载方案研究

    The Research of the Load Shedding Scheme under Frequency Based on the System Characteristic

  16. 自适应型低频减载装置的研究

    Study on Adaptive Underfrequency Load Shedding Device

  17. 低频减载装置在线整定研究

    Reserch on Setting Online of UFLS Equipment

  18. 提高低频减载动作速度和减载准确性的方法研究

    The Research on Methods of Improving the Speed and Accuracy of under Frequency Load Shedding

  19. 基于轨迹分析的互联电网频率动态特性及低频减载的优化

    Frequency Dynamics Analysis and Load Shedding Assessment Based on the Dynamic Simulation Trajectory of Interconnected Power System

  20. 低频减载是第三道稳定防线的重要组成部分。

    Under-frequency load shedding ( UFLS ) is one of the most important parts in third defence .

  21. 互联电网的地区频率特性差异性及其对低频减载的影响研究最大功率输出频率特性

    Study on difference of regional frequency characteristics of interconnected power system and its influence on under-frequency load shedding

  22. 全国电网互联系统频率特性及低频减载方案

    Study on Dynamic Frequency Characteristics and Coordinative Under-Frequency Load Shedding Scheme for Nationwide Interconnected Power Grid of China

  23. 介绍并分析了传统方法、半适应法和自适应方法等低频减载方案整定算法及其特点。

    It analyzed the algorithm and characteristics of traditional scheme , semi-adaptive scheme and adaptive scheme and some other schemes .

  24. 从系统层次保证了系统数据采集的实时性和低频减载控制的及时性。

    This framework could ensure the data sampling in real time and the control of under frequency load shedding in time .

  25. 低频减载是控制电力系统一般故障及大面积复杂故障重要而有效的手段。

    Under-frequency load shedding is an important and effective means to control common faults and large-scale complicated faults in power system .

  26. 该策略在负荷频率调节效应检测的基础上辨识出负荷的频率刚性大小,并基于此实现低频减载的策略优化。

    Based on the frequency regulation effects , the strategy identifies the frequency rigidity of loads and optimizes the UFLA strategy .

  27. 大规模风电并网后,使得原有的低频减载方案存在安全隐患。

    With the large-scale wind power integration , the original under & frequency load shedding scheme cannot meet design requirements any more .

  28. 因此研究多机系统的频率动态过程,设计出适应多机系统下的低频减载方案则显得尤为重要。

    The study of dynamic frequency responses in multi-machine power system and design the UFLS shemes which adapt to it are particularly important .

  29. 低频减载优化整定是一个多变量、多约束的混合非线性规划问题,其优化过程十分复杂。

    UFLS optimization setting is a mixed nonlinear optimization problem with a large number of variables and constrains , the optimization becomes very complex .

  30. 长期以来,河北南网低频减载方案的确定主要靠会议确定和人工计算。

    Over a long period of time , the UFLS scheme in Hebei electric network is mainly established by the meeting and manual calculation .