
dī tóu bù jiàn tái tóu jiàn
  • 熟语sure to see much of each other;cannot get away from each other
  1. Zappos公司负责办公地产规划的资深经理帕特里克.奥尔森(PatrickOlson)说道,新大楼的员工休息室“非常非常小,人们真的就是低头不见抬头见”。

    Break rooms will be ' really small , so people literally collide , ' says Patrick Olson , Zappos 's senior manager of campus development .

  2. 在这样一个小镇,大家低头不见抬头见,讲求策略是最要紧的。

    In a town like this , where everyone lived on top of everyone else , diplomacy was essential .

  3. 在他笔下的伦敦,富贵阶级与贫苦人家低头不见抬头见,大善人和诈骗犯并肩痛饮麦芽酒。

    In his London the rich cannot escape the poor , and the do-gooders and swindlers quaff ale elbow-to-elbow .

  4. 邻里低头不见抬头见,从某种程度上说是你不想好也得好的,我们何苦不处理好,至少处理得“温和”一点呢?

    Neighbors low head do not see to raise head see , from certain kind level say is you do not think also get , us why bother do not handle , at least , does handling get the point " are you mild "?