
chuán dān
  • leaflet;flier;handbill;handout;literature;propaganda sheet
传单 [chuán dān]
  • (1) [handbill]∶印成单张散发的宣传品

  • (2) [literature]∶一种起宣传作用的单页印刷品

  • 要求自愿参加者散发竞选传单

传单[chuán dān]
  1. 这张传单是为向我们的顾客提供信息而印制的。

    This leaflet is produced for the information of our customers .

  2. 这份传单介绍了如何向银行意见调查官投诉。

    The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman .

  3. 我们在此地散发了许多传单。

    We did a lot of leafleting in the area .

  4. 他扔掉我的信,以为那不过又是些选举传单。

    He threw away my letter , thinking it was just more election bumf .

  5. 有人在入口处散发传单。

    There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets .

  6. 朱蒂把手伸进提包,拿出一张小的印刷传单给我。

    Judy reached into her handbag and handed me a small printed leaflet

  7. 传单被空投下来,要求人们离开某些地区。

    Leaflets have been air dropped telling people to leave certain areas .

  8. 政府通过电视广告和传单的形式发起了宣传活动。

    The government has launched a campaign of television commercials and leaflets .

  9. 备有介绍详情的传单以供索取。

    Leaflets giving details are available on request

  10. 学生们喊着口号,分发着传单。

    Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets

  11. 请自取传单材料。

    Just help yourself to leaflets .

  12. 如今我们不得不面对铺天盖地的垃圾邮件、广告传单和无用的公文。

    These days , we are bombarded with endless junk mail , fliers , and general bumf .

  13. 今天早上的邮件只是些广告和传单。

    These were only bills and circulars in the post this morning .

  14. 站在门旁的一个年轻的妇女向所有进入大厅的人散发传单。

    A young woman standing at the door gave out leaflets to all those who entered the hall .

  15. (我的第一份暑假工作是为一家餐厅发放传单。)

    My first summer job was to distribute leaflets for a restaurant .

  16. 他的工作是在街头发传单。

    His job was distributing handout at the street-corner .

  17. 他因散发反政府传单而遭到怀疑

    He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets .

  18. 4.bagstuffer广告传单5.baddebt坏账银行注销了100万英镑的坏账。

    The bank wrote off one million pound in bad debts .

  19. 我去创建一个Facebook帐户,你能把那些传单打印出来吗?

    I 'll make a Facebook account . Can you print fliers for the neighborhoods ?

  20. 在肯尼迪抵达达拉斯之前的几天,印着他的肖像、写有通缉叛国者(WantedforTreason)的传单在城里随处可见。

    Days before he arrived , Wanted for Treason leaflets featuring him appeared around town .

  21. 在肯尼迪抵达达拉斯之前的几天,印着他的肖像、写有“通缉叛国者”(WantedforTreason)的传单在城里随处可见。

    Days before he arrived , " Wanted for Treason " leaflets featuring him appeared around town .

  22. 英国健身业者「LA健身」其广告传单神似停车违规罚单、潜在顾客感到困扰,而遭到斥责。

    UK gym operator LA Fitness was reprimanded for stressing out would-be customers with leaflets that looked like parking tickets .

  23. 急性HIV感染也会表现为类似传单的表现,因此与弓形体病相同应该对孕妇进行检查。

    Acute HIV infection can mimic signs similar to those of infectious mononucleosis and tests should be performed for pregnant women for the same reason as toxoplasmosis .

  24. 例如,可能需要创建传单和小册子,或从LotusDomino中存储的数据生成电子邮件时事通讯。

    For instance , you may need to make fliers and brochures or to generate email newsletters from the data stored in Lotus Domino .

  25. 最近的A4纸传单我设计,推广在德里关牌照即将优惠。

    A recent A4 flyer I designed to promote upcoming offers at an Off Licence in Derry .

  26. 过去的一些传单设计人是B6,所有最近的传单都是阎龙设计。

    Some past flyers were designed by B6 , all recent flyers are designed by Yanlong .

  27. 一张传单列出某某乔凡尼的电邮地址;另一张则介绍某个叫达里奥(Dario)的人。

    One flier listed an e-mail address for somebody named Giovanni ; the other introduced somebody named Dario .

  28. 几年前我在街上走着,有人给我发了张关于中国renquan状况的传单。

    A couple of years ago I was walking in the street and someone handed me a booklet about the human rights issues in China .

  29. 而有些说法则简直是疯言疯语了:Cork市有人散发传单,说欧盟将引入中国式的独生子政策。

    Some claims are , frankly , mad : a leaflet given out in Cork claims that Lisbon would let the EU bring in a Chinese-style one-child policy .

  30. EBV-VCA-IgM的阳性率为885%对传单诊断有重要意义。

    The positive rate of EBV-VCA-IGM is 88.5 % . It is very important to diagnose IM .