
  • 网络Top seed;top-seeded
  1. 赢得东部头号种子的球队中最好的球员,很可能参与到MVP的竞逐中来。

    The best player on the team that wins that top seed will likely be in the MVP conversation .

  2. 中国头号种子李娜将于明天开始进行锦标赛。

    Chinese top seed Li Na will get her tournament underway tomorrow .

  3. 头号种子选手在决赛中落马。

    The number one seed was beaten in the finals .

  4. 骑士队战胜头号种子、曾经于去年击败自己的勇士队,成为首个在NBA总决赛“抢七”大战中从1-3落后的情况下翻盘、并夺得总冠军的球队。

    With the victory over the top-seeded Warriors , who beat Cleveland in last year 's championship , the Cavaliers became the first team to rally from a 3-1 series deficit in the best-of-seven NBA Finals and win the title .

  5. 她本来希望,能把这股气势带到青少年比赛中。她在那里是单打的头号种子,却在第二轮的比拼中以6(9)比7、6比2和1比6输给了俄罗斯的娜塔莉亚·维赫扬采娃(NataliaVikhlyantseva)。

    She was hoping to take that momentum through the junior tournament , where she was the No. 1 seed . But she could not get past Natalia Vikhlyantseva of Russia and lost in the second round , 7-6 ( 9 ) , 2-6 , 6-1 .

  6. 他是这次锦标赛中的头号种子选手。

    He is the number one seed in this tournament .

  7. 小威廉姆斯是温布尔登网球公开赛的头号种子选手。

    The younger Williams is the top seed at Wimbledon .

  8. 他们是季后赛的头号种子,拥有完全的主场优势。

    The Mavs had one of the best regular seasons in NBA history .

  9. 他是这届乒乓球锦标赛头号种子选手。(种子——种子选手)

    He was the No.1 seedin the table-tennis championship

  10. 取得东部头号种子位置后,开除凯西??

    Why the hell would they fire Casey , after getting top seed in the East ?

  11. 头号种子选手轻松获胜。

    The top seed won comfortably .

  12. 温布尔登头号种子选手。

    The top seed at wimbledon .

  13. 来看温布尔登网球公开赛的消息,头号种子塞雷娜·威廉姆斯不敌法国选手阿丽兹·科内特,止步第三轮,三局比分分别为1比6,6比3,6比4。

    At Wimbledon top seed Serena Williams is out beatenby France Alize Cornet 1-6,6-3,6-4 in the third round .

  14. 第七名,休伊特,他与头号种子都顺利地通过了温网第一轮。

    Lleyton hewitt , seventh , he and the remaining top seeds survived the first round at wimbledon .

  15. 这是头号种子自八月份以来经历的第一场失利,战胜她的是世界排名第14位的阿娜·伊万诺维奇。

    The top seed suffered her first loss since August , falling to number 14 , Ana Ivanovi ć .

  16. 他们是头号种子阿迪,世界亚军苏桑托,奥运会冠军库苏马和全英比赛的卫冕冠军阿尔比。

    Top seed ardy , world silver medalist Susan to , Olympic champion Ku Suma and defending champion arbi .

  17. 第一趟结束,选手们转身。小威廉姆斯是温布尔登网球公开赛的头号种子选手。

    Swimmers go into turn at the end of the first lap . The younger Williams is the top seed at Wimbledon .

  18. 八号种子瓦林卡以4-6,6-4,6-3,6-4打败世界头号种子德约科维奇,获得自己第二个大满贯。

    Wawrinka , seeded eighth , defeated the world number one 4-6 6-4 6-3 6-4 to win his second Grand Slam title .

  19. 在埃及开罗公开赛上,这位前任世界头号种子直落两盘,轻取俄罗斯选手佩特洛娃。

    The former world number one claimed a straight-sets win over Nadia Petrova of Russia in an exhibition match in Cairo , Egypt on Saturday .

  20. 但毕竟已是九个轮回,依然还是唱片界的“头号种子”,这本身就是一种奇迹。

    But already was nine samsara after all , still the phonograph record " the first seed ", this was in itself one kind of miracle .

  21. 这位26岁的赛事头号种子选手保持了冷静,以11比9、5比11、14比12、9比11、8比11、11比7、11比7的比分,苦战七局击败了自己的队友。

    The 26-year-old top seed held well her nerve to win over her teammate 11-9 , 5-11 , 14-12 , 9-11 , 8-11 , 11-7 , 11-7 .

  22. 周日,头号种子林丹从一开局就控制着比赛,分别以21-12,21-8取胜二号种子李宗伟为中国赢得羽球第三金。

    Top-seeded Lin was in control from the outset Sunday and coasted to a21-12,21-8 win over the second-seeded Lee to give China its third gold medal in badminton .

  23. 勇士队在常规赛中打出了最好成绩,是季后赛的头号种子,在7场4胜制的冠军赛中以4比2完胜骑士。

    The Warriors , who were the top-seeded team in the playoffs after finishing with the best record in the regular season , won the best-of-seven championship series 4-2 .

  24. 赛会头号种子李宗伟的对手是来自中华台北的周天成,李宗伟的开局要轻松许多,而世界排名第七的周天成整场比赛都没有给李宗伟带来真正的压力,最终李宗伟以21-9、21-15的比分获胜。

    Top seed Lee had a far easier run against Chou Tien-chen in the opening match and was never seriously tested by the seventh-ranked Taiwanese during a 21-9 21-15 demolition .

  25. 8号种子、乌克兰选手安·梅德韦德夫以6:3、6:4、6:0战胜对手,进入第二轮。他是这次锦标赛中的头号种子选手。

    The Ukrainian A. Medvedev , the eighth seed , beat his opponent 6:3 , 6:4 , and 6:0 to enter into the second round . He is the number one seed in this tournament .

  26. 第四年,罗斯忍受着与他纠缠不休的伤病,帮助公牛队冲到了东部头号种子的宝座、得到了再次与劲敌迈阿密热火队在季后赛上交锋的机会。

    In his fourth season , Rose fought through nagging injuries to help the Bulls stampede to the top seed in the Eastern Conference and a potential rematch with the rival Miami Heat in the playoffs .

  27. 中国选手李娜战胜世界头号种子选手卡洛琳•沃兹尼亚奇,成为首位晋级大满贯单打决赛的中国选手,同时也是获此殊荣的亚洲女子网坛第一人。

    Chinese player Li Na upset the world No.1 top seed , Caroline Wozniacki . She is the first Chinese player , in fact the first Asian player to reach a grand slam single 's final .

  28. 马来西亚世界羽毛球头号种子选手李宗伟近日表示,新的计分规则可能会让自己把职业生涯延续到2020年的东京奥运会,并再一次向一块梦寐以求的羽毛球金牌发起冲击。

    Malaysia 's world number one Lee Chong Wei said a new scoring format could tempt him to extend his career to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and take yet another shot at an elusive badminton gold medal .