
tóu hào rén wù
  • the most important person;the top leader;number one
  1. 近年来该行业的头号人物可能是阿里•伊曼纽尔(AriEmanuel)——威廉•莫里斯奋进公司(WilliamMorrisEndeavor)的老板之一。

    Top of the tree these days is probably Ari Emanuel , joint boss of William Morris Endeavor .

  2. 一些人认为他是头号人物,理由是他与苹果创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯(SteveJobs)生前亲密无间的关系,后者曾将乔纳森爵士称为自己的“灵魂伴侣”。

    Some regard him as the most powerful , thanks to his symbiotic relationship with the late Steve Jobs , Apple 's founder , who once described Sir Jonathan as his " spiritual partner . "

  3. 他是该棒球队的头号人物。

    He is the No.1 player on the baseball team .

  4. 幸运的是,职业网球联合会的世界头号人物为我们提供了一个答案。

    Fortunately , the ATP world number one has provided us with an answer .

  5. 乔治是这里的头号人物,而我是他的副手。

    e.g. George is number one around here and I am his number two .

  6. 他是我们嫌犯名单上的头号人物,这位官员表示。

    He is the top on our list of suspects , the official said .

  7. 就我看来,我宁愿在这些人中当头号人物,也不在罗马作第二号人物。

    For my part , I would rather be the first man among these fellows , than the second man in rome .

  8. 纯粹英国式要到以后才风行,并且阿瑟派的头号人物威灵顿得逞于滑铁卢战役还没有多少时候。

    The pure English style was only to prevail later , and the first of the Arthurs , Wellington , had but just won the battle of Waterloo .

  9. 就我自己而言,还没人请我担任过一家新闻机构的头号人物,或者邀请我参加一场性派对(至少到目前还没有)。

    For my part , no one has asked me to be the top banana at a journalistic organisation or invited me to an orgy ( at least not yet ) .

  10. 目击者称,昨日清晨一列装甲列车从朝鲜进入中国时,铁路沿线戒备森严,这支持了人们的怀疑,即代表团的头号人物正是金正日。

    Suspicions that Mr Kim was heading the delegation himself were supported by witness accounts of heavy security cordons when an armoured train crossed into China from North Korea early in the morning .

  11. 他不但自认为是天下头号重要人物,而且在他眼里惟有他一人生活在世间。

    Hewas not only the most important person in the world , to himself ; in his own eyes he was the only person who existed .