
  1. 去那个冰淇淋小贩介绍的海鲜店怎么样?

    How about that seafood place the ice-cream vendor suggested ?

  2. 霍特林设想有两个冰淇淋小贩,他们试图确定摊位在海滩上的位置。

    Hotelling imagined two ice-cream stands trying to decide where to locate on a beach .

  3. 爸,你知道吗?他不是真的冰淇淋小贩,他是伪装的,其实他是个密探。

    You know , father , he isn 't really an ice cream man . he 's just pretending . he 's really a secret agent .

  4. 冰淇淋小贩:哦,恭喜,真是太好了。来悉尼真是来对地方了!有很多地方值得一去,好多事情值得一做呢。

    Ice-cream seller : well congratulations , that 's fantastic ! And you 've picked a great spot coming to sydney ! There 's a lot to see and do !

  5. 但是现在除了卖冰淇淋的小贩,马路上大多数的小贩已被超市所代替。

    But now most street vendors , except for ice cream salesmen , have been replaced by supermarkets .

  6. 卖花[冰淇淋]的小贩

    A flower [ an ice-cream ] vendor