
  • 网络glacier change;glacial change;glacial fluctuation;glacier fluctuation
  1. 基于RS和GIS技术的近40a新疆昌吉州冰川变化分析

    Analysis of the Glacier Change near 40a in Changji Prefecture , Xinjiang Based on RS & GIS

  2. 夏季气温和年降水是导致冰川变化的根本因素。

    Summer temperature and annual precipitation are the basic causes of glacier change . 3 .

  3. 冰川变化与气候变化关系的若干探讨

    Discussion on the relationship between glacial fluctuation and climate change

  4. 1900-2007年横断山区部分海洋型冰川变化

    Changes of Some Monsoonal Temperate Glaciers in Hengduan Mountains Region during 1900-2007

  5. 近几十年来喜马拉雅山冰川变化及其对水资源的影响

    Himalayan Glaciers Fluctuation over the Latest Decades and Its Impact on Water Resources

  6. 塔里木河流域冰川变化及其对水资源影响

    Impact of the Glacial Change on Water Resources in the Tarim River Basin

  7. 冰川变化可视化计算方法研究

    A Visualized Computation Method for Glacier Variation

  8. 阿尔泰山区树木年轮与气候、冰川变化相互关系的探讨

    Correlation Between Tree Ring and Climatic and Glacial Variations in the Region of Mts. Altay

  9. 近百年来中国冰川变化及其对气候变化的敏感性研究进展

    Progress in Glacier Variations in China and Its Sensitivity to Climatic Change during the Past Century

  10. 冰川变化是气候变化的直接产物并且对气候变化的响应表现明显。

    Glacier change is the direct result of climate change and has obvious response on climate change .

  11. 贡嘎山区全新世冰川变化与泥石流发育的关系

    Relationship between the glacier variation and the debris flow development of the Holocene in the Gongga mountainous region

  12. 重复航空摄影测量方法在乌鲁木齐河流域冰川变化监测中的应用

    Application of the Repeated Aerial Photogrammetry to Monitoring Glacier Variation in the Drainage Area of the Urumqi River

  13. 成冰作用的空间变化又是冰川变化的一种反映,对气候变化具有很好的指示作用。

    Spatial variations of ice formation process can also reflect glacier change , and can indicate climate change .

  14. 冰川变化是气候变化的产物,但它与气候参数的关系表现出不稳定。

    Glacial fluctuation is the result of climatic change , but the relationship between them is not stable .

  15. 冰川变化存在差异,这并不奇怪,即便是在喜马拉雅山脉内部本身也是如此。

    It is not [ a ] surprise that there are differences for glacier changes , even within the Himalayas themselves .

  16. 本文论述了利用多时相卫星遥感影像监测冰川变化的原理和方法,通过对英格里特。

    This paper discusses the principles and methods of monitoring the glacial changes by means of multi temporal satellite images of remote sensing .

  17. 研究区内不同区域的冰川变化也有所不同,东段退缩最快,西段次之,中段最慢。

    Glacier changes vary among different regions of the study area , eastern section retreats the fastest , followed by the western part , the slowest is the middle .

  18. 降水变化对出山径流变化的影响明显强于气温;出山径流的大小主要受降水影响,但在个别异常年份,冰川变化对出山径流具有极其显著的作用。

    The influence of precipitation on runoff was stronger than that of temperature and precipitation had obvious influence on runoff , but glacier change had remarkable influence on runoff in some individual unusual years .

  19. 冰川变化率所表现出的这种空间差异主要受不同山地冰川地理位置、大气环流条件以及冰川本身属性等因素影响。4、以气象格点数据分析南阿尔泰山区气候变化特点。

    These spatial differences of the glacier change are mainly affected by the location , atmospheric circulation and different glacier properties . Fourth , the climate change characteristics are analyzed based on the meteorological grid data .

  20. 近几十年来在气温升高、降水增加、积雪量增加、蒸发减少的大背景下下,流域河川径流量响应气候、冰川变化呈现增加趋势。

    For decades in the background of the rising temperature , the increasing precipitation and snow and decreasing evaporation over the basin , river runoff presented the increasing trend to response the climate and glacier changes .

  21. 根据滞后性分析的结果,我们建立了温度与冰川变化之间的经验模型,最后以气候模式的预测结果作为输入,利用该经验模型预测了未来冰川变化。

    Based on the results of time lag analysis , we established an empirical model to predict glacier area changes . Finally , using the empirical model , we projected glacier area changes in the future .

  22. 从区域尺度分析东昆仑山冰川变化与气温、降水的关系。

    In other words , rising summer average temperature and declining annual precipitation could accelerate glacial ablation . ( 5 ) Analyzing the relationship between the glacier variation and temperature , precipitation in regional scale in eastern Kunlun Mountains .

  23. 冰川变化的影响因素:研究区以小规模冰川占绝大多数,小冰川数量众多是导致该区冰川对气候变化敏感而冰川面积退缩率较大的重要因素。

    The influencing factors of the glacier changes : Small glaciers in the study area account for the vast majority , a large number of small glaciers is an important factor of the cause for the glacier sensitive to climate change and retreat of glacier area .

  24. 山水画写生探微喜马拉雅山和喀喇昆仑山冰川的变化

    On Mountains - and-Rivers Sketching Glacier Variations in Himalayas and Karakorum

  25. 目前,全球变化下冰川的变化是国际冰川学界的研究热点之一。

    Development in study of wetland litter decomposition and its responses to global change ;

  26. 喜马拉雅山和喀喇昆仑山冰川的变化

    Glacier Variations in Himalayas and Karakorum

  27. 中国冰川近期变化及其对干旱区冰水河迳流的影响

    The glacier changes in recent years and the influence to runoff of glacial water river in Arid Region

  28. 相较于年均温度,冰川面积变化与年均最低温度的关系更为密切,并且同样存在0-3年的缓变效应。

    But compare with annual mean temperature , annual minimum temperature has greater correlation with glacial area change .

  29. 塔里木河源区冰川系统变化趋势预测

    Prediction on the Variation Trend of Glacier System in the Source Region of Tarim River Responding to Climate Change

  30. 喀喇昆仑山-昆仑山现代冰川进退变化及其对气候波动的响应

    The advance and retreat fluctuation of modern glaciers and their response to the climatic changes in the KARAKORUM-KUNLUN MTS