
  1. 对于这些经济转轨国家来说,国内金融市场规模小、融资作用有限。

    To these countries , finance is the essence of economy .

  2. 经济转轨国家银行业危机问题研究

    Study on Bank in g Crisis in Economic Transition Countries

  3. 如何促进向市场经济转轨国家的内部直接投资

    How to Facilitate Inward FDI for Countries in Transition to Market Economies

  4. 经济转轨国家证券市场比较研究

    Compare on the Securities Market of Economic Transitional Countries

  5. 经济转轨国家存款保险制度的建立与实施

    The Establishment and Implementation of the Deposit Insurance System in the Countries Undergoing Transition in Economy

  6. 商业银行的经营风险与外部环境有非常密切的关系,特别是在经济转轨国家。

    The operational risks of commercial banks are highly related to the external environment , especially in the transitional economy .

  7. 经济转轨国家的再就业政策与实践经验,对我们解决失业问题具有重要启示。

    The re employment policy and practical experience of the economy transforming countries can enlighten us a lot on solving the unemployment problem .

  8. 利率市场化为经济转轨国家金融深化和经济发展带来了契机。

    The liberalization of interest rate brings with it opportunities in the process of financial deepening and economic development for the transitional countries .

  9. 利率市场化的效果直接影响了经济转轨国家的银行效率。

    In addition , the extent of the liberalization of interest rate has a direct effect on the efficiency of banking in the transitional countries .

  10. “中国改革国际论坛”已经成为我国与其他经济转轨国家进行改革政策交流与合作的重要平台和桥梁。

    International Forum on China Reform has become an important platform and bridge for the exchange and cooperation in the field of reform policies with other transitional economies .

  11. 国际直接投资受到各国政府的高度重视,尤其是经济转轨国家都把吸引外资作为对外经济政策的战略目标之一。

    FDI gains high attention from each government , especially from those transition economies that have foreign capital attraction as one of their strategic targets of foreign economic policies .

  12. 随后中东欧经济转轨国家、拉美及法国的不良资产也严重影响了国家经济金融的稳定;

    Later , the problems of NPAs in countries in Middle East during their economy transition , Latin America and France also badly harmed the stability of national economy and finance .

  13. 缔约方会议呼吁发展中国家缔约方和经济转轨国家缔约方根据其对《公约》承担的义务进行需求评估。

    The Conference of Parties ( COP ) called upon developing Parties and Parties with economies in transition to conduct needs assessments in the light of their obligations under the Convention .

  14. 但是,作为新兴市场和经济转轨国家,我国的企业并购无论是在并购动因和机制上,还是在政府参与、干预程度上都表现出与西方发达资本市场不同的特征。

    Because China is a burgeoning market and an economical transitional country , M & As in China are different from those in developed countries , neither on the aspects of motivations , the mechanisms nor on the degree of government interventions .

  15. 我国是经济转轨国家,银行业除了存在垄断、负外部性、信息不对称等市场失灵现象外,还存在社会信用缺失、预算软约束等特殊因素。

    China is in the transition from Planned Economy to Market Economy , The banking industry not only exists monopoly , asymmetric information , market failure , but also has social credit imperfection and soft budget constraint and so on special factor .

  16. 随着各国公共养老保险制度改革进程的深化,尤其是经济转轨国家面临的共同问题,包括职业年金和商业年金在内的补充养老保险重新成为国际社会保险领域的试点和前沿课题。

    With the deepening reform process of the public pension system , especially the common problems facing in countries with economies in transition , the supplementary pension including occupational pension and insurance contracts pension , becomes a pilot area of social security and cutting-edge topics .

  17. 与此同时,做好承接与发展服务外包的风险规避工作。第六,就经济转轨国家发展服务贸易、提升服务贸易竞争力的战略选择提出了政策建议。

    At the same time , they should also do a good job in risk aversion while undertaking and developing service outsourcing . Sixthly , it makes some recommendations on strategic choices of countries in transition to develop trade in services and to enhance their competitiveness .

  18. 本文根据各国在养老保险制度模式和改革路径上的相似性,将世界范围内养老保险制度的改革分为四种:欧美模式、拉美模式、经济转轨国家模式和东亚模式。

    According to the similarity on the patterns of institution and reform routes , this paper divides the reform of Endowment Insurance Institution to 4 types : Pattern of Europe and America , Pattern of Latin America , Pattern of economy transition countries and Pattern of East Asia .

  19. 通过对中、东欧和亚洲典型经济转轨国家的利率市场化进行分析可以看出,在经济转轨过程中,选择渐进式或激进式转轨路径的依据是本国的宏观经济环境;

    We hold up in this paper that , the macroeconomic environments is the starting point for a country when choosing the transitional paths , progressive or explosive , through the comparison of the transitional processes in some typical countries in Central and Eastern Europe , and in Asia too ;

  20. 如何合理界定政府的职能角色以适应市场化运行规律,是经济转轨时期国家面临的重大理论和实践课题。

    How to specify the functional role of the government in order to follow the market principles is one if the rather significant theoretical and practical subjects during the economically transitional period .

  21. 修正后的SCP框架的基本含义是:在我国经济转轨时期,国家的行政垄断影响了银行行为,继而影响了银行包括微观绩效和宏观绩效在内的综合绩效。

    The meaning of Modified SCP framework is that in the Transition Economy of China , the administrative monopoly affects the bank behavior , then determines the synthetical performance which including the micro-performance and macro-performance .

  22. 经济全球化与转轨国家经济双向互动论

    Economic Globalization and Transitional Economies : A Reciprocal Theory

  23. 制度缺陷是出于经济转轨时期的国家,由于市场的制度不完善而形成的缺陷。

    System defects for a period of economic transformation of the country , due to the imperfect system created by the defect .

  24. 发展中国家、工业化市场经济国家和所有转轨国家都受到了影响。

    Developing countries , industrialized market economy countries and all economy-transferring countries have suffered the influence .

  25. 自1980年以来,130多个国家和地区,都在不同阶段经历了银行业的严重问题。发展中国家、工业化市场经济国家和所有转轨国家都受到了影响。

    130 countries and regions , have suffered serious bank problems since 1980 . Developing countries , industrialized market economy countries and all economy-transferring countries have suffered the influence .

  26. 经济全球化进程对转轨国家的宏观调控有重要影响,贸易投资自由化、金融全球化为国际经济波动提供了传导机制,削弱了财政政策、货币政策的效果。

    The globalization process influences the macro-regulation of transitional economies . Trade and investment liberalization , and financial globalization constitute a transmitting mechanism for international economic fluctuation which cripples the effect of fiscal and monetary policies .

  27. 同时,深入研究了世界市场经济发达国家与转轨国家税制改革的特点,认真吸收他们的经验也是我国目前进一步提高税收效率的基础。

    The world market economy prosper the nation with the characteristics , their experience of earnest absorption that turn the course the national tax system to reform is also our country to now and further increase the foundation of the revenue from tax efficiency ?

  28. 除了这些因素之外,对于从计划经济向市场经济转轨的国家而言,在经济发展中地方政府的影响是很深刻的,其重要性和作用是任何主体也无法取代的。

    In addition to the factors above , for a country being transferred from the planned economy to the market economy , the impact of the local government in economic development is very significant , whose importance and function are irreplaceable .

  29. 本文客观分析了我国国有资产及其管理体制的现状和问题,并与市场经济国家、发展中国家及经济转轨国家的国有经济现状进行了比较。

    This thesis objectively analyzed the present condition of state sector and its management system , offers international comparison of the structure of the administrative organization of state property in the West and socialist country .

  30. 经济转轨不仅关系到各经济转轨国家经济发展的速度和质量,而且直接或间接地影响世界格局的变化。

    Whether or not the transition can gain success has not only relation with the velocity and quality of the transitional economies , but also directly or indirectly affects the structure of the world .