
jīng yóu
  • via;by way of;pass through
经由 [jīng yóu]
  • [pass through] 经过某地或某条路线

  • 经由武汉去广州

经由[jīng yóu]
  1. 我们开车经由洛维奇到达了多瑙河畔的古镇鲁塞。

    We drove via Lovech to the old Danube town of Ruse

  2. 这样一来,船舶进入威尼斯的唯一通道就是经由朱代卡运河。2019年6月,地中海航运公司的一艘13层游轮撞上了码头和一只游船,导致5人受伤。

    In the meantime , the only way for the ships to enter Venice is via the Giudecca canal , where in June 2019 a 13-deck vessel and tourist boat , injuring five people .

  3. 民兵首领已拦阻了该地区经由陆上运送食品的车队。

    Militia leaders had halted overland food convoys in the region .

  4. 想要进入赞比亚应该经由奇龙杜边防哨所。

    The point of entry into Zambia would be the Chirundu border post

  5. 90%的经理希望看到更多的货物经由铁路来运输。

    90 % of managers wanted to see more freight carried by rail .

  6. 我绕行了几英里,想要经由那条风景秀丽的公路进入梅肯。

    I went some miles out of my way to take the scenic road into Macon .

  7. 你经由西门进教堂。

    You enter the church through the West door .

  8. 声音经由振动传播。

    Sound is propagated by vibrations .

  9. 预言是唯一的一项无法经由练习而改善的人类技术

    Prophesying was the only human art that couldn 't be improved by practice .

  10. 但修复造成的时间延误是代价高昂的,经由水下电缆连接完成的资金转移每天价值数万亿美元。

    But delays are costly9 – money transfers going over these underwater connections have a daily value of trillions of dollars .

  11. 这份120页的报告称,病毒最有可能来自动物,可能是蝙蝠或穿山甲,经由未知中间宿主传播给人类。

    The 120-page report said the virus most probably jumped from an animal , potentially a bat or pangolin , to an unknown intermediate animal host and then to humans .

  12. 请求经由Internet传输,通过路由器到达负载均衡器。

    The request will travel over the internet , through the router to the Load Balancer .

  13. 经由模拟及量测结果,次微米光栅可以破坏氮化镓结构内的光波导模态(waveguidemode),使结构内部的光经由次微米光栅萃取出来。

    By simulation and measurement result , sub-micro grating can destroy waveguide mode of GaN epitaxy structure , let light extract from inside of structure .

  14. 经由MI企业理念识别,完成意识改革及体质改善;

    MI finishs consciousness reform and physique improvement .

  15. 这种方法以接收信号的功率谱密度函数为时间序列,利用最小二乘格型自适应滤波器经由AR建模而得到高分辨率的时间延迟估计。

    This method uses the eross power spectral density ( PSD ) function of two received signals as a time sequence .

  16. 为了解决系统设计中的子系统共享问题,提出了经由Petri网共享T-型子网构成共享T-型子网合成网的解决方案;

    A scheme is obtained using synthesis of Petri nets shared P-type subnet , in order to solve subsystem-shared problem in system design .

  17. PHP服务器,比如ZendCore,可经由ZeroCore管理程序通过一次鼠标单击来启用cURL。

    A PHP server such as Zend Core provides an easy way to enable cURL with a single mouse-click via the Zend Core administration program .

  18. RDMAoverEthernet是直接经由以太网的一个有效且轻量级的传输层。

    RDMA over Ethernet is an efficient and light-weight transport layered directly over Ethernet .

  19. UAV装有一台CCD照相机以实时方式经由数据链传送图像数据到地面站。

    The UAV is fitted with a CCD camera and transmits the image data to the ground station via datalink in a real-time manner .

  20. 结论:乌梅的兴奋作用未经由M受体、α肾上腺素能受体、神经节N受体及H1受体起作用,也非经前列腺素能途径。

    Conclusions : the excited effect of FM could not be mediated by muscarinic re - ceptor , alpha-adrenergic receptor , ganglionic N-receptor , H1-receptor and the action of FGs as well .

  21. 最后通过编写用户态应用程序经由HID类驱动程序直接读取位置传感器的位置信息,为本套检测系统服务。

    Finally , to read position information which can serve for inspection system from new position sensor by programming user mode application .

  22. “疾跑”过程一旦开始,团队全部与外界的交流都必须经由Scrum管理者进行。

    Once the sprint is started , all external communication to the team must be initiated through the Scrum Master .

  23. 针对柔性制造系统的共享子系统设计问题,提出了经由Petri网共享PB-型子网(PlaceBorderedSubnet)构成共享PB-型子网合成网的解决方案;

    A scheme was obtained using synthesis of Petri nets-shared PB-type subnet ( Place Bordered Subnet ), according t shared subsystem design of flexible manufacturing system .

  24. 在平原地区,且不需分辨列车经由的站场线路时,仅采用GPS即可。

    But in plain regions , when there is no need to differentiate the track a train passes through in railway yard and station , the positioning job can be done with GPS only .

  25. 由C6胶质瘤细胞经由反复冻融、煮沸灭活及超声破碎细胞抽提其总蛋白的方法制备各种不同抗原致敏DC,致敏的DC与T淋巴细胞进行共培养诱导CTL;

    Then rat DCs were pulsed with C6 tumor cell antigens prepared with different methods : freeze-thaw , boiling or total protein extracted from ultrasonic crushed tumor cell .

  26. 引入一种新筛法,通过在素数模的完全剩余系中划掉与起点同余的参数集,组合出经由n次筛减后的剩余数集。

    This paper introduces a new method of sieve , after deleting those parameter set from complete residue system of prime modulus which are congruent with starting points , combined to last residual set sifted n times .

  27. 在此前的3月份,FDA还曾针对这些药物经由过程一个称为黑匣子的最峻厉的警告作为且则法子。

    The agency had first slapped a so-called black box warning , the toughest kind , on the drugs in March as an interim measure .

  28. 方法受体C57BL/6小鼠以60Co辐射,经由尾静脉注入供体细胞。

    Methods C 57BL / 6 recipient mice irradiated with 60Co were transfused with donor cells via the tail vein .

  29. SALT(SpeechApplicationLanguageTags)技术是一项新兴技术,它是一种独立平台的标记语言,可以用于创建经由语音平台接入的应用系统。

    SALT ( Speech Application Language Tags ) is a markup language that take service in open , free patentable access , independent of platform , it is used for creating the newly application system that is cutover through speech platform .

  30. 这允许对经由PTM传输接收的MBMS服务的服务质量控制。

    This allows quality of service control for MBMS services received over a PTM transmission .