
  1. 亨利·福特曾经有过一句经典语录,对吧?

    There 's a great quote by Henry Ford , right ?

  2. 勤勉是好运之母。你知道几米的经典语录。

    Diligence is the mother of good fortune .

  3. 飞人乔丹经典语录:不管是在比赛中还是在训练中,我打球就是为了赢球!

    Michael Jordan : I play to win , whether during practice or a real game .

  4. 经典语录1:人生在世,当顶天立地,一身正气。股东的法人资格证明或者自然人身份证明;

    Classic quote no.1 : Being a man , integrity and dignity should be one 's fundamental principles . legal person qualification certificates of the shareholders or identity certificates of natural persons ;

  5. 材料科学一直流传着这样一句经典的语录:材料的结构决定性能,性能决定用途,对于材料研究者是至上名言。

    There is a classic saying in Materials science : the structure of the material determines the performance , and the performance decides the use , which is famous remark for the researchers .

  6. BusinessInsider收集了一组起劲为止网友发现的最经典的siri语录,我们展示在下文。

    Business Insider has collected some of the best Siri responses to date in their list , which we 've published below .