
jīng yuàn zhé xué
  • scholasticism
经院哲学[jīng yuàn zhé xué]
  1. 讽刺攻击中世纪经院哲学的作者(1494-1553)。

    Author of satirical attacks on medieval scholasticism ( 1494-1553 ) .

  2. 他批判经院哲学,建立其唯物主义理论大厦;

    He criticized the scholasticism , built up his materialism mansion ;

  3. 中世纪经院哲学对近代西方科学的形上学贡献

    Metaphysical Attributions to Modern Science by Scholasticism in Middle Ages

  4. 12世纪的文艺复兴使理性得到复苏,促进了经院哲学理性主义的发展。

    The renaissance in the12th centuries advanced the development of rationalism about scholasticism .

  5. 接着从经院哲学的诞生到托马斯主义的确立。

    Then , it is from the birth of scholasticism to the establishment of Thomism .

  6. 它与中世纪的经院哲学针锋相对,成为文艺复兴的一个重要的方向。

    Tit for tat with the medieval scholasticism , the Renaissance is an important direction .

  7. 美国天主教中的新经院哲学。

    The new-scholarism in American Catholicism .

  8. 经院哲学唯名论思想中,有对技术的渴望和谨慎的肯定;

    However , Medieval scholasticism had a thirsty will for and a cautious affirmation about technology ;

  9. 论传统文化的建构性&兼论经院哲学的历史功绩

    On the constructiveness of traditional culture

  10. 笛卡尔为了对抗经院哲学的盲目信仰主义和怀疑论提出了普遍怀疑方法。

    Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism .

  11. 经院哲学对天主教的影响

    Scholastic Influences on Catholicism

  12. 关于离开实践的思维的现实性或非现实性的争论,是一个纯粹经院哲学的问题。

    On the controversy of thinking reality or non-reality apart from practice , is a purely scholastic question .

  13. 经院哲学与学术自由

    Scholasticism and Academia Freedom

  14. 后来由于经院哲学的影响,大学存在的合法性受到挑战。

    However , affected by the scholasticism , the legal status of universities ' existence met with challenges .

  15. 在经院哲学产生之初,就有哲学家有意识的运用理性为基督教的理论辩护。经院哲学家所采用的烦琐而且传统的抽象推理方法。

    In the initial stage of scholasticism , some philosophers intentionally adopted reason to defend the theory of Christianity .

  16. 蒙田的怀疑论是摧毁中世纪经院哲学精神统治的有力武器;

    The scepticism of Montaigne is a powerful weapon to destroy the spirit control of scholasticism of Middle Ages .

  17. 国外教学论的发展经历以下几个阶段:第一,前理性时期。代表思想是智者派的教学思想、柏拉图的教学思想和经院哲学流派的教学思想。

    The first period was pre-rational phase in which representative thoughts were the teaching ideas of Sophists , Plato and scholasticism .

  18. 近代认识论是在近代自然科学日益迅速进步的基础上和在资产阶级反对经院哲学的斗争中产生和发展起来的。

    Modern epistemology produced and developed with the development of Modern science and the struggle of the capitalist class against scholastic philosophy .

  19. 如不能辨异,可令读经院哲学,盖是辈皆吹毛求疵之人;

    If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences , let him study the Schoolmen ; for they are cymini sectors .

  20. 如不能辩异,可令读经院哲学,因为研究经院哲学者吹毛求疵者也;

    If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences , let him study the schoolmen ; for they are cymini sectores .

  21. 意向性这一概念最早就出现于中世纪经院哲学中,是布伦塔诺的改造才使其具备成为后来如此重要的哲学概念的可能。

    The concept of intentionality first appeared in the Medieval scholasticism . It was the transformation of Brentano that made it become an essential philosophical concept possible .

  22. 如不能辩异,可令读经院哲学,盖是辈皆吹毛求疵之人;

    If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences , let him study the Schoolmen ; for they are cymini sectores ' splitters of hairs ' .

  23. 第五,审美学上,维柯停留于古希腊哲学或经院哲学的美之观念层面。

    ( v ) in the subject of aesthetic ideas , Vico stays on the level as the Greek philosophy or the Christian philosophy in the Middle Ages did .

  24. 在法定证据制度阶段是形式化证明标准。其产生的认识论基础应是原始经验主义的内涵加经院哲学的包装。

    During the period of the system of legal evidence , criminal proof standard was formalized , the epistemology basis of which should be the original experimentalism and the scholasticism .

  25. 经院哲学的大时代乃是十一世纪改革的产物,而这些改革又是对于前一个时期的颓废腐化的反作用。

    The great age of the scholastic philosophy was an outcome of the reforms of the eleventh century , and these , in turn , were a reaction against previous corruption .

  26. 近代自然法理论是对古希腊、罗马和基督教经院哲学时期等传统自然法遗产的继承和发展。

    The theory of modern natural laws inherits and develops the heritage of traditional natural laws in the period of the ancient Greece , the ancient Roman , and the Christian scholasticism .

  27. 当时,经院哲学不仅垄断了整个思想界,还控制着整个教育领域,严重阻碍了人类知识和科学的进步。

    At that time , scholasticism not only monopolized the entire idealistic circle , but also controlled the entire education field . It impeded the progress of human knowledge and science seriously .

  28. 要理解人文主义,必须较之于中世纪人们对基督教的虔诚以及经院哲学,人文主义思想就像是一股自由开放、宜人的空气。

    To understand humanism , it must be contrasted with the piety and scholasticism of the middle ages , against which humanism was regarded as a free and open breath of fresh air .

  29. 只强调这种抽象规律的经院哲学,早已与它所热心提倡的逻辑,在人类的健康常识和理性里失掉信用了。

    The logic which seriously propounds such laws and the scholastic world in which alone they are valid have long been discredited with practical common sense as well as with the philosophy of reason .

  30. 中世纪基督教神学和经院哲学体现了神性思维与理性思维的激烈拼搏,其间诞生了为现代科学产生所需的观念。

    In the Middle Ages , the mystic mentality and rational mentality are engaged into a great competition in form of Christian theology and scholastic philosophy to see the appearance of the world-look required for the modern science .