
  • 网络the Great Library;great library of alexandria
  1. 年轻女人和她的狗都来自珂睐的大图书馆。

    Both the young woman and her hound had come from the Great Library of the clayr .

  2. 浅析三大图书馆系统的一体化趋势

    A brief analysis on the Integration trend of three library systems

  3. 有大图书馆在的学校。

    Good Librarian There 's a big library in our school .

  4. 布置一家大图书馆非常费时间。

    The arrangement of a large library takes a long time .

  5. 一位好图书管理员有一个大图书馆在我们的学校。

    A Good Librarian Thrs a big library in our school .

  6. 我们有一个带有很多有用的书的大图书馆。

    We have a big library with lots of useful books .

  7. 我们有一个大图书馆在二楼。

    We have a big library on the second floor .

  8. 国书馆学新思维:试论大图书馆学的建立

    New Thoughts of Library Science : the Establishment of Big Library Science

  9. 世界第三大图书馆在北京开馆。

    The world 's third largest library opens in beijing .

  10. 我们有一个大图书馆,里面有许多游泳的书。

    We have a big library with a lot of useful books .

  11. 网络环境下大图书馆理念的形成和发展

    The Formation and Development for the Idea of Large Library in Network Environment

  12. 以此为基础,初步探讨大图书馆学的学科体系。

    Based on this , discusses the scientific framework of big library science .

  13. 逐步建起一座大图书馆、逐步赢得好的声誉、逐步建立起兴旺发达的事业

    Build up a big library , a fine reputation , a thriving business

  14. 我们学校有一个藏有许多有用的书的大图书馆。

    There is a large library in our school .

  15. 接下来,就以倒序方式来呈现世界十大图书馆。

    Here are the world 's ten largest libraries , in reverse order .

  16. 《帕夫雷什中学》一书为我们树立了“大图书馆”工作模式。

    The book Bovleksh Middle School set a work mode of " macro library " .

  17. 适合作为不同层次读者的参考书籍,为各大图书馆之必备。

    It is a must for all the libraries for reference to all the classes of readers .

  18. 并对电子科大图书馆自动化建设的功能进行了介绍。

    It introduces the function of the library automation system of the University of Electronic Science and Technology .

  19. 知识管理的收敛性和开放性&三论“大图书馆”教育观

    The convergenced and opened knowledge management & third time on the educational viewpoint of " macro library "

  20. 结合兰大图书馆楼工程实例,就其改扩建工程中采用的技术处理作一些介绍。

    The technical treatment methods adopted in strengthening and enlargement engineering for the library of Lanzhou University are introduced .

  21. 构建大图书馆体系的设想&中、小图书馆改革与发展刍议

    The Imagination of Structuring Large Library System & My Humble Opinion on Development for Whether Medium or Small Library Reform

  22. 构建大图书馆教育观研究理论体系的设想

    A Tentative Idea of Building the Theoretical System for the Study of the Educational Viewpoint of " Macro Library "

  23. 他表示,他并不想让这本书躲避公众的视线,而是计划在美国各大图书馆进行展出。

    He told that he doesn 't plan to keep the book from public view , but will lend it to libraries around the country .

  24. 构建资源共享、网络共建的大图书馆体系是中、小图书馆适应信息时代的需要;

    In order to meet the current information needs , it is necessary to structure resource-sharing and network in large library system for medium and small library ;

  25. 社会与家庭、长、师和馆员在教育改革中需要大图书馆观。

    In the reform of education , the society and family , school principals , teachers and librarians all need the viewpoint of " macro library " .

  26. 这就像走进一个大图书馆,唯一的区别是,这是更好,因为所有成员也有类似的兴趣,即互联网业务。

    It is like walking into a big library , the only difference is that this is better because all the members have similar interest ie Internet business .

  27. 因此,我们应该赞美世界各大图书馆,赞美那些参与建造和维护它们的工作人员。如果有机会,不妨亲自游览一番。

    So , we ought to celebrate the world 's great libraries , and the people who work to build and maintain them , and we should visit them when we get the opportunity .

  28. 在河边附近有一个大图书馆,但我知道那里不允许黑人光顾书架,他们只可以去城市的公园、广场。

    There was a huge library near the riverfront , but I knew that Negroes were not allowed to patronize its shelves any more than they were the parks and playgrounds of the city .

  29. 俄罗斯国立图书馆是世界第二大图书馆,它的书刊国际交换工作开展得非常广泛,目前它与包括中国国家图书馆在内的111个国家的1834个图书馆建有书刊交换关系。

    The Russian State Library is the second largest library in the world . It has established its international exchange business with 1834 libraries in 111 countries including NLC . to develop international exchange of publications ;

  30. 三是其理论体系的结构和内容存在发展论、本质论和实践论是大图书馆教育观研究理论体系的结构和内容。

    The third is that the ontological development , the essence and the practice of the structure and contents of the theoretical system are the structure and contents of the theoretical system of the educational viewpoint of macro library .