
  • 网络University guide;Sunday Times University Guide
  1. 一名Rand公司和洛杉矶的加利福尼亚大学指南研发小组成员参加了编写2008年风湿病药物指南。

    A member of the Rand and UCLA guidelines-development group participated in writing the2008 RA-drug guidelines .

  2. Unigo网站上最有趣的内容要数视频,观者可以借助视频看到这些学校的在校生和校园,而这在一般的大学指南中通常并未涵盖。

    The videos are the most interesting part of Unigo , because they provide a look at current students and at the campus that isn 't often captured in standard guides .

  3. 根据《中国大学指南》并参阅相关文献,研究86所211工程国家重点建设大学的文献资源和相关情况后得出结论:当前图书馆的馆藏仍以印刷型文献为主,与发达国家相比差距较大。

    According to Guidebook of The Universities In China and the related document , the authors search for the document resources of libraries in 86 national key constructive universities that belongs to 211 Engineering .

  4. 对文科生来说,幸运的是,这本大学专业指南同时也告诉我们:“薪酬并不是大学教育的唯一回报。”

    Luckily for liberal arts mavens , college majors Handbook notes , " salary is not the only form of payoff from a college education . "

  5. 建设山东高水平财经大学的理论指南&学习和把握科学发展观

    Guidelines to High-level University of Finance and Economics in Shandong

  6. 入学伊始,我们便收到了一张介绍该大学各个学院的指南手册。

    We received an introductory guide to all the schools at the university upon admission .

  7. 教师和学生之间的恋情是相当常见的,很少被大学禁止。标准指南,如这些来自于皇家霍洛威学院的指南只需要将恋情向部门负责人提一下。

    Relationships between faculty members and students are pretty common , and rarely prohibited by universities ; standard guidelines , such as these from Royal Holloway just require the relationship to be mentioned to the head of department .

  8. 在收到众多世界名校邀请之后,汪鑫和自己的四位室友全部选择了巴斯大学。该大学是《卫报》大学指南评定为英国排名第五位的著名高校。

    Among the recently received offers from multiple world-renowned colleges , Wang Xin and her four roommates all chose the University of Bath , which is ranked as the fifth best university in the United Kingdom by the Guardian University Guide .