
  • 网络Outside the Gate
  1. 公交车站(出租车停靠站)就在大门外。

    The bus stop ( taxi stand ) is right outside the gate .

  2. 他们(三个以上)都在大门外等着。

    They were all waiting outside the gate .

  3. 罢工工人围在大门外担任纠察。

    Striking workers picketed outside the gates .

  4. 在topform进入龙南时,会有数百人排队等在工厂大门外找工作。

    When top form arrived in Longnan , hundreds of people would queue outside its gates looking for work .

  5. 王叔叔正在大门外等他们。

    Uncle Wang was waiting for them outside the factory gate .

  6. 许多人聚集在大门外,

    Many of the people who are gathered outside the gates ,

  7. 那辆卡车在大门外突然停下。

    The truck came to a dead stop out of the gate .

  8. 一些女高管经常会在学校大门外等待的时候接电话。

    Some female executives routinely take calls while outside the school gates .

  9. 工厂大门外撕碎的工资袋纸片。

    Pieces of torn pay packets outside the factory gates .

  10. 萨姆在自己的大门外发现了他的钱包。

    Sam found his walled outside his front door .

  11. 大门外的呼噪蓦地低落下去了。

    The shouting outside suddenly began to die down .

  12. 我要给你们拍照贴在大门外。

    I have to take your picture to post at the guard gate .

  13. 总是发现有人把车停在他家大门外。

    He always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate .

  14. 我把钥匙忘在公司里了,结果被锁在大门外。

    I 've left my keys in the office and I 'm locked out .

  15. 铺在大门外、进门前擦鞋用的一块垫子。

    A mat placed outside and exterior door for wiping the shoes before entering .

  16. 我将妻放在大门外,她去等公交,我去开车上班。

    She went to wait for a bus , I drove to the office .

  17. 约有二十名工人在大门外担任纠察。

    About twenty workers picketed outside the gate .

  18. 通常在人们起床之前报纸就被放在大门外了。

    Often the newspapers are put outside the doors before the families get up .

  19. 随后,她从楼梯上走下来,向大门外跑,一面跑,一面跳,笑个不停。

    Then she descended the stairs and emerged , running and leaping and still laughing .

  20. 它走回来,跳下墙,在大门外等着。

    He walks back , jumps off the wall , and waits at the front door .

  21. 钟打四下,大门外猛然传来一阵敲门声。

    As the bell sounded the hour , there came a knocking at the street door .

  22. 大门外有一个大标志,写着:“危险!勿近!”

    There was a large sign just outside the door which said ," danger ! Keep out !"

  23. 三个月已经往了,后来在一天清晨,萨姆在本身的大门外发现了他的钱包。

    Three months passed , and then one morning , Sam found his wallet outside his front door .

  24. 在尼泊尔王宫一个大门外马路对面的投票站里,选民普士帕.班雅投出了她的一票。

    Voter Pushpa Banya cast her ballot , just across the road from one of the Royal Palace gates .

  25. 哦,现在班车都在机场大门外的车站发车,就在那儿,您的左边。

    Er now it leaves from the bus stop outside the main airport doors , over there on your left .

  26. 卖食物的小贩推着手推车在工厂大门外出售各种香肠和炖菜,这迎合了那些时间和经济都很窘迫的工人们的需求。

    Food vendors sold various sausages and stews from carts outside factory gates , catering to workers with little time or money .

  27. 上周五,数百名抗议者在江门市政府大门外举行示威。江门位于选定厂址的下游。

    On Friday , hundreds of protesters had demonstrated outside government offices in Jiangmen , which lies downstream from the proposed facility .

  28. 第二天下午,柯林由一个男仆抱下楼放在大门外的轮椅上。

    The next afternoon Colin was carried downstairs by a man servant , and put in his wheelchair outside the front door .

  29. 在上海市中心,60多名居民在上海银行分行营业之前就在大门外等候。

    More than 60 residents had lined up at the gate of a Bank of Shanghai branch in downtown even before it opened .

  30. 星期六在拉瓦尔品第的武装人员袭击陆军总部后,巴基斯坦士兵进入陆军总部大门外,摆开阵势。

    Soldiers took positions outside the main gate of the Pakistan army headquarters after an attack by armed men in Rawalpindi on Saturday .