
  • 网络Taik;taiker
  1. 台客在过去已经跟嚼槟榔,穿著拖鞋,戴著草帽的低下农民和穿著不入流的流氓,但现在已经延续了过去及过去的流行。

    Taike in the past , had been linked to images of betel-nut chewing , sandal-shod , palm-leaf hat wearing low-class farmers and ill-dressed gangsters , but now it is being extended past that and past the latest hip fashion .

  2. QRCode和帄台的客制化可以为不同族群带来更便利的生活,也带来各种潜在商业价值。

    QR code and customized platform bring more convenient life for different groups in society and also for every kind of potential business value .