
  • 网络pilaf;pilau;Pilau Rice
  1. 乌兹别克烹饪很特别,一些乌兹别克菜,如palov,在整个中亚很流行(Palov是由米饭、肉、蔬菜、干果组成的肉饭)。

    The Uzbek cuisine is typical , yet some Uzbek dishes , such as palov , are eaten throughout Central Asia . ( Palov is a pilaf of rice , meat , vegetables , and sometimes dried fruit . ) .

  2. 用碾碎的干小麦代替大米做成的肉饭,通常没有肉。

    Pilaf made with bulgur wheat instead of rice and usually without meat .

  3. 呃,我去看一下意大利肉饭。

    Erm , I am going to check out the risotto .

  4. 昨天晚上我吃了一顿很香的蘑菇肉饭。

    I had a delicious mushroom pilau last night .

  5. 尝尝我们的腌熏佳肴,来碗卤肉饭或者辣牛肉面。

    Try our cured relishes , a bowl of rice with pork gravy , or a bowl of hot beef noodles .

  6. 她很殷勤地招待我,她非常善意地请我吃了一顿牛腮肉饭,只肯接受一壶啤酒作为代价。

    She was very hospitable , gave me a dinner of ox-cheek with great good will , accepting only a pot of ale in return ;

  7. 然后,就把他们一个个放在许多大木盘里,象一大盆肉饭似的,四周添饰着面包果和椰子;

    and then , one by one , they were placed in great wooden trenchers , and garnished round like a pilau , with breadfruit and cocoanuts ;

  8. 阿迪契只是在接受《金融时报》记者大卫•帕琳采访时才轻描淡写地提到,他们当时正在一起享用辣椒炖鱼肉饭、咖喱蒸蔬菜的午餐。

    Instead , she casually let it slip during an interview with the Financial Times " David Pilling , over a lunch of * jollof rice , curry and steamed greens .

  9. 随着技术的发展,他已经可以烹制完整的烤牛肉饭,以及放在红酒和野梅汁上的橙子杏子鸭了。

    As his technique developed , he was able to cook full roast beef meals as well as duck with orange and apricot , served over a red wine and wild plum sauce .