
  • 网络Bolognese;SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE;lasagna
  1. 意大利肉酱面是绝好的安慰食物。

    For me , spaghetti bolognese is the ultimate comfort food .

  2. 他在厨房里可是一把好手&你应该尝尝他做的意大利式肉酱面。

    He 's no slouch in the kitchen & you should try his spaghetti bolognese .

  3. 隆重介绍意大利肉酱面冰淇淋制造器。

    Introducing the Spaghetti Ice Cream Maker .

  4. 适合与红肉、鸡肉、肉酱面和成熟的奶酪搭配饮用。

    Suited to red meat , chicken , meat and mature cheese with a side drink .

  5. 最受追捧的当属意大利肉酱面,65%的英国人表示这个菜谱已经烂熟于心了。

    Spaghetti bolognese is the most popular dish , with 65 % of people saying they know the recipe by heart .

  6. 在等待微波炉加热的意大利肉酱面冷却之时,我问他做名人感觉如何。

    While I wait for my microwaved pasta bolognese to cool down , I ask him how it feels to be a celebrity .

  7. 我喜欢做饭,我会烧西西里菜:上周末,我为15位客人做了一顿肉酱面与烧烤。

    I like to cook . I cook Sicilian food : over the weekend I made a bolognese and roast for 15 people .

  8. 我决定尝一下这份肉酱面,但这盘软塌塌、煮得过久的意大利螺旋面让我回想起学校食堂的糟糕伙食。

    I am determined to give the bolognese a chance but the floppy , overcooked fusilli brings back bad memories of my school canteen .

  9. 在那里,我尽情享用了一顿兼收并蓄、以意大利风味为主的自助餐,有火腿、蔬菜沙拉、鲜玉米、意大利肉酱面和松脆的炒饭,甜点则是意大利婚礼曲奇。

    Once there , I feasted on an eclectic , mostly Italian-inspired buffet of prosciutto , green salad , fresh corn , pasta Bolognese , crispy fried rice and , for dessert , Italian wedding cookies .

  10. 我边吃着已经变得温热的肉酱面,边问他为什么他的著作在美国影响如此之大,但最初在法国出版时却没有引发类似的轰动。

    I am halfway through the now tepid bolognese when I ask him why his work had such an impact in the US without causing anything like such a stir in France at the time of its original publication .

  11. 调查显示,多数英国人不看菜谱就能直接烹制的佳肴共有十道最受追捧的当属意大利肉酱面,65%的英国人表示这个菜谱已经烂熟于心了。

    The average Briton can make 10 meals from scratch without having to look at a recipe , a survey suggests 。 Spaghetti bolognese is the most popular dish , with 65 % of people saying they know the recipe by heart 。

  12. 非常适合搭配辣味的红肉、番茄肉酱意大利面、烤香肠以及重味的烧烤类菜肴。

    Pair with spicy red meat dishes , pasta with tomato sauce , sausages and hearty roast dishes .

  13. 肉酱意大利面,很经典。浓重的肉酱加入红酒、葱、芹和橄榄油。

    Semolina pasta in a hearty Bolognese meat sauce flavored with red wine , onion , celery , and olive oil .

  14. 海伦今晚将煮加肉酱的意大利面。

    Helen will cook spaghetti with meat sauce tonight .