
  • 网络meatloaf;Meat Loaf
  1. 给货车司机端夹肉面包,睡堪萨斯车场的拖车?

    Serving meatloaf to truckers and living in a Kansas Trailer park ?

  2. 知道吗,我会要点肉面包,一起吃点肉面包。

    You know what ? I will have some meatloaf . let 's have some meatloaf .

  3. 我选了些简单的:豌豆米饭和夹肉面包。

    I picked on simple things — rice and peas , meat and bread .

  4. 我们做了一些三明治(夹肉面包)带去当午饭。

    We made some sandwiches to take with us for lunch .

  5. 他拿起夹肉面包片一口咬了下去。

    He took a sandwich and bit into it .

  6. 这就象一个老的肉面包。

    It looks like an old meat loaf .

  7. 然后又强迫我吃夹肉面包。

    Then he forced me to eat meatioaf .

  8. 维吉尔把半个夹肉面包塞到嘴里,慢慢的咀嚼起来。

    Virgil stuck half a sandwich into his mouth and began to chew slowly .

  9. 希瑟把火腿切成片,好做夹肉面包。

    Heather sliced the ham for sandwiches .

  10. 午饭时他们只吃一两份三明治(加肉面包)或汉堡包,然后喝点果汁或是咖啡。

    For lunch they have a couple of sandwiches or hamburgers and then drink some fruit juice or coffee .

  11. 你们这些学物理的可以来计算…你们所做的肉面包的质量和体积下一�

    Now , you physics majors can calculate the mass and volume ... of every meat loaf you make . Slide ....

  12. 地下室里搬来了床垫,在走廊里到处都铺开了。吃饭由食堂服务员用小车推来,吃的是夹肉面包和胜利牌咖啡。

    Mattresses were brought up from the cellars and pitched all over the corridors : meals consisted of sandwiches and victory coffee wheeled round on trolleys by attendants from the canteen .

  13. 五分钟后,我们把培根肉或面包放在表面上5秒、30秒或60秒,然后测算转移到食物上的细菌量。

    Five minutes after that , we placed either bacon or bread on the surface for 5,30 or 60 seconds , and then measured the number of bacteria transferred to the food .

  14. 虽然有些人,还是愿意用肉和面包把盘子填满。

    Some of us though would rather fill our plates with meat and bread .

  15. 他们通常会吃一些肉、面包、果汁和咖啡。

    They usually eat meat bread and drink some juice or coffee .

  16. 我们午餐吃大蒜香肠肉加面包。

    We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread .

  17. 菜放于碟上,再下芝士粉、烟肉及面包粒。

    Then add cheese powder , bacon and bread .

  18. 基本中国长途客车的乾粮,防腐肉,面包等等。

    Standard chinese foods for Long-distance bus , eg preservation meat , Bread * etc.

  19. 把肉、面包等切成薄片

    Slice the meat , loaf , etc

  20. 她把外边的奶酪剥了个干净,只留下里面的肉和面包。

    She stripped off the cheese , leaving just a naked piece of meat and some bread .

  21. 我们露营带的食品有肉、面包、牛奶、糖等。

    The provisions we took with us to camp included meat , bread , milk , sugar , etc.

  22. 肉、面包和啤酒摆在了奥利弗面前。他的新朋友催他快解除饥饿。.

    Meat , bread , and beer were before Oliver , and his new friend him to his hunger .

  23. 晚餐桌上的食物通常是肉、面包、黄油、土豆、奶酪,当然也少不了茶。

    The table would be set with dinner foods like meat , bread , butter , potatoes , cheese and of course tea .

  24. 后来,他从台上走下去,一群小人聚了过来,带给我各种各样的肉、面包和饮料。

    Soon there came to me a man , whom from his pretty uniform I took to be an officer of high rank .

  25. 当我们这样工作时,我们必须得抽空就吃东西,杰克。说着他掏出波莉给他的肉和面包来吃。

    We must eat when we can on days like this , Jack.And he took out the meat and bread Polly had given him .

  26. 神灵走开了,转瞬间就用12个金盘子装着米、肉、面包和水果回来了。

    The jinnee went away , and came back in a second with rice , meat , bread , and fruit on twelve gold plates .

  27. 一人说,我吃了很多的肉和面包,但我已有三年没有患病了。

    " I didn 't see a doctor for three years , and I eat a lot of meat , a lot of bread ," one person said .

  28. 在门口的一张长桌子上摆着蛋糕、烧好的热乎乎的肉、面包、冻肉、水果和各种喝的。

    There was cake and hot meat and bread and cold meat and fruit , and all kinds of drinks , on a long table near the door .

  29. 这是单层的,大胖汉堡是双层。-.这个汉堡的肉,面包和调料的比例,更令人满意。-你在听我说话吗?-

    Sheldon : This is a single-decker hamburger , whereas the Big Boy is a double-decker Sheldon : This has a much more satisfying meat-to-bun-to-condiment ratio Leonard : Are you even listening to me ?

  30. 肉、面包和啤酒摆在了奥利弗面前。他的新朋友催他快解除饥饿。奥利弗吃东西时,这个陌生的男孩不时注意地盯着他看。

    Meat , bread , and beer were placed before Oliver , and his new friend urged him to satisfy his hunger . While Oliver was eating , the strange boy looked at him from time to time with great attention .