
  1. 鉴于这款汉堡的高营养值,专家们也表示,这是应对宿醉的最佳疗法,还能够增强免疫系统,改善消化功能,促进肝脏排毒,维持荷尔蒙平衡,还有消炎的作用。

    Due to the highly nutritional value of the meal , experts also claim that it is the perfect hangover cure and can boost the immune system , improve digestive function , detox the liver , balance the hormones and work as an anti inflammatory .

  2. 体内全天累积的毒素会被肝脏中和、分解,但如果你在这段时间没睡,肝脏就无法顺利排毒。

    Your liver neutralizes and breaks down body toxins accumulated throughout the day . However if you dont sleep at this time , your liver cannot carry out this detoxification process smoothly .