
  • fried vegetable
  1. 摆上一些准备好的葱,和米饭、水田芥沙拉或是炒青菜或白菜一起上桌,这就大功告成了。

    Scatter with the reserved spring onions and serve with boiled rice and a watercress salad or stir-fried cabbage or pak choi .

  2. 绿香蕉的皮可以剥掉,切掉茎和黑色的尖部之后,把皮切成2—3英寸长、1/2英寸宽的条,可以做成高钾茶或放入炒青菜里。

    Skins from green bananas can be taken and , after removing the stem and dark tip , cut into small strips 2-3 inches long and 1 / 2 inch wide . These strips can be made into a high-potassium tea or added to a stir fry .

  3. 他得意地向记者介绍自己的拿手菜&西红柿炒鸡蛋、豆芽炒鸡蛋、青菜炒香菇等。

    He proudly told reporters his signature dish-fried eggs , tomatoes , bean sprouts , fried eggs , fried mushrooms and other vegetables .