
  • 网络stir-bake to scorch
  1. 以UV法测定鞣质的含量,结果表明炒炭后鞣质含量降低。

    The contents of tannin by UV decreased after charring .

  2. 蒲黄炒炭前后亲脂性成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis of the fatty components of Pollen Typhae before and after being carbonized

  3. 茜草饮片炒炭前后止血机制的比较

    Comparison of Hemostasis Mechanisms between Radix Rubiae and Charred Radix Rubiae

  4. 栀子炒炭前后多糖含量分析

    Analysis on Contents of Polysaccharides in Fructus Gardenia and Its Carbonized Product

  5. 目的研究大黄炭定性、定量检测方法,建立大黄炒炭饮片的质量标准。

    Objective To establish the quality standard of charred Radix et Rhizoma Rhei .

  6. 结论栀子炒炭后可能产生了新的止血活性物质。

    ConclusionIt may produce the new antihemorrhagic active constituent in carbonized Gardenia Jasminoides .

  7. 20种中药炒炭前后苯并(a)芘的含量测定

    Determination of B ( a ) P Contents of 20 Chinese Herbal Drugs before and after Charring

  8. 目的探讨栀子炒炭前后与其有效成分多糖含量的关系。

    ObjectiveTo explore the relationship and the fluctuation of contents of its effective components-Polysaccharides between Fructus Gardenia and its carbonized product .

  9. 通过组织结构及薄层层析等实验研究,证明地榆炒炭前后药材内部变化。

    It has been verified that there are some changes inside the root of Sanguisorba officinalis ( Radix Sanguisorbae ) after being charcoal-processed .

  10. 鲑鱼的好处众所周知,而且无论是生吃(生鱼片).烟熏还是烹炒(炭烧.水煮等),都是不错的餐点。

    The benefits of salmon are well-known , and salmon makes for a perfect meal whether it 's eaten raw ( sashimi ) , smoked or cooked properly ( char-grilled , boiled etc ) .

  11. 实验二:观察腹腔注射不同浓度生、炒茜草(炭)水煎醇沉液对小鼠凝血时间的影响。

    The second , to observe the effect on coagulation time with different concentration decoction of crude RCL and parched RCL by ip .

  12. 方法对生蒲黄、炒蒲黄、蒲黄炭按不同溶剂极性及不同化学成分类型提取,以小鼠的止血时间为筛选指标对各部位进行筛选。

    METHOD Extraction was conducted according to different dissolvent heteropolarity and different chemical components and screening conducted with hemostatic time in mice as the index .

  13. 目的比较生槐花、炒槐花、槐花炭及其提取物芦丁、槲皮素、鞣质的止血作用。

    To compare the hemostatic effect of Flos Sophorae in crude , parched and carbonized forms and its extracts , including rutin , quercetin and tannin .

  14. 以小白鼠胃肠推进功能,胃中游离酸,总酸、胃蛋白酶及亚硝酸盐含量为指标,对山楂生品、炒品、炒焦品、炒炭品进行了比较。

    In this experiment , the crude Fructus Crataegi , its baked product , the products baked to dark brown and baked to charcoal were compared regarding the gastrointestinal promote function of rat , the content of free acids in stomach , total acids , pepsin and nitrite as indices .