
  • 网络Stir fry;stir-bake to brown
  1. 还有的炒焦了,吃起来咔枯咔枯的。

    Also some fried burnt , ate withered .

  2. 本课题研究的思路与技术手段,旨在为其它药味炒焦的研究提供借鉴。

    Of this research project ideas and techniques , for the aim to provide a reference for other drugs frying coke research .

  3. 本实验研究焦米水消食止泻作用拟为山楂炒焦研究提供对照,为探寻、研究炒焦共性问题提供参考。

    Coked rice water digestion antidiarrheal effect of this experimental study is proposed for control of the study of the burnt hawthorn , provide a reference to explore frying coke common problems .

  4. 炒白术、焦白术的质量研究

    Studies on the way of quality control of fried and deep-fried Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz

  5. 睡眠时间缩短型失眠核心处方:陈皮、枳实、竹茹、黄连、甘草、酸枣仁、麦芽、炒稻芽、焦山楂。

    To shorten sleep time sleep core prescription : tangerine peel , citrus , bamboo shavings , Coptis , licorice , jujube seed , malt , rice , fried coke hawthorn .

  6. 黑豆又名乌豆、冬豆子,又可治疗风湿疼痛,经验方用黑豆炒至半焦泡人黄酒,治疗关节酸痛有效。

    Wudou also known as black bean , winter beans , but also the pain of rheumatism , experience with the semi-coke Chaozhi black bean rice wine bubble people , and effective treatment of joint pain .

  7. 以小白鼠胃肠推进功能,胃中游离酸,总酸、胃蛋白酶及亚硝酸盐含量为指标,对山楂生品、炒品、炒焦品、炒炭品进行了比较。

    In this experiment , the crude Fructus Crataegi , its baked product , the products baked to dark brown and baked to charcoal were compared regarding the gastrointestinal promote function of rat , the content of free acids in stomach , total acids , pepsin and nitrite as indices .

  8. 人们有时也会刻意地将米放入锅中干炒,直至把米粒炒焦并散发出坚果的香味,接着加入热水冲泡十分钟左右。茶泡米汤有股烘烤香气。

    Sometimes they burn it deliberately , roasting rice in a dry pan until it browns and smells nutty , and then brewing it with hot water for about 10 minutes .