
chǎo zuò
  • hype;speculate ;drive up ;make a hubbub about sth.
  1. 本周他那部被大肆炒作的新电影在伦敦上映。

    This week his much hyped new movie opens in London .

  2. 当地报章迫不及待地对这些传闻加以炒作。

    The rumours were eagerly seized upon by the local press .

  3. 舒尔曼有点厌烦了对全女子队的过度炒作。

    Schulman is a little tired of the hoo-ha about the all-women team .

  4. 没有了上映时的炒作,这场演出现在可以作为一部真正意义上的经典之作亮相了。

    Divested of the hype surrounding its launch , the show can now emerge as a full-fledged classic .

  5. 他新近的电影正被媒体大肆炒作。

    His latest movie is being hyped up by the media .

  6. 他认为,有媒体故意炒作此事。

    He thinks , media acclaims this matter intentionally .

  7. 除了炒作之外,你不需要在所有看到“new”操作符的地方使用依赖注入。

    Despite the hype , you do not need to replace the " new " operator with injection everywhere you see it .

  8. “人们炒作红木就像炒股票一样。”从1998年起,国际自然保护联盟(InternationalUnionforConservationofNature)就把交趾黄檀列为“脆弱”物种。

    Siamese rosewood had been listed as " vulnerable " by the International Union for Conservation of Nature since 1998 .

  9. 我认为SOA的炒作正在逐渐消失,这是个好现象。

    I think the hype factor is dying down on SOA , and that is a good thing .

  10. 我会不惜代价阻止市场炒作和夸大其词对SOA品牌的消弱。

    Dave : I would prevent at all cost the dilution of the SOA brand by market hype and hyperbole .

  11. Facebook大肆炒作的上市方案给该公司定下的估值水平是其明年预期盈利的100多倍。

    Facebook 's much-hyped listing valued the company at more than 100 times next year 's expected earnings .

  12. 最终,在大肆炒作的浮云之后,开始浮现出真正的SOA经验。

    At the end of the day it seems that behind the hype cloud , real SOA experiences are starting to emerge .

  13. SOA始终是关于架构的,而不是获得资金的方法,或是分析师炒作的对象,也不是特定的中间件平台。

    SOA is and always was about architecture , not the way to get financing , or analyst hype , or particular middleware platform .

  14. 疯狂的股价还促使深圳证券交易所(Shenzhenstockexchange)警告投资者不要对新上市股票进行过度和盲目的炒作,而是要做出理性的投资决策。

    The giddy price moves also prompted the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to warn investors against excessive and blind speculation on new listings , but to make rational investment decisions .

  15. 去年在大肆炒作中首次公开亮相的Facebook在头四个月中便折损了将近一半的市值。

    Facebook , which made its public debut amid intense hype last year , lost nearly half its value in the first four months .

  16. IBM在19年前就创造了这种炒作模式。当时,该公司的深蓝(DeepBlue)国际象棋计算机打败了世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    IBM set the pattern 19 years ago , when it 's Deep Blue chess-playing computer beat world champion Garry Kasparov .

  17. 但是,尽管围绕科技初创企业的炒作很多,但是在IT/电信行业受雇的MBA毕业生实际上减少了近10%。

    But despite the hype about tech start-ups , the number of those employed in IT / telecoms fell by nearly 10 per cent .

  18. 从信用炒作现象谈我国C2C交易中的信用评价体系改革

    Reform of the Credit Evaluation System in the View of Credit Speculation in the C2C Trade of China

  19. 如果苹果(Apple)能从乔布斯时代传承下来的词典里去掉那些过分炒作而且不符事实的吹嘘之辞,那就太棒了。

    Apple ( AAPL , Fortune 500 ) would do well to eliminate from its vocabulary all the over-hyped , non-factual puffery that has been part of its lexicon since the Steve Jobs era .

  20. 同时,根据BBC的报道,整个事件被认为很可能只是个炒作。

    Meanwhile , according to the BBC , it is thought that the whole thing could have been just a publicity stunt .

  21. 作为伦敦大学国王学院(King'sCollegeLondon)安全研究方面的教授,里德是一位关于这场辩论的优秀记录者,他巧妙的记述了我们在思考自动化的过程中产生的希望、炒作和担忧。

    Rid , a professor in security studies at King 's College London , is a fine chronicler of the debate , deftly recounting the hope , hype , and fears that have accompanied our thinking on automation .

  22. 资源金融炒作与次债CDO精巧设计:为国际金融资本挖掘了坟墓

    Speculation of Financial Resource and Delicate Design of Subprime CDO : the Grave for the International Financial Capital

  23. 围绕欧盟-美国自由贸易协定问题一直存在着大量的炒作,特别是在巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)上周发表国情咨文演讲之后。

    There is a lot of hype about the prospects of an EU-US free trade agreement , especially in the wake of Barack Obama 's State of the Union address last week .

  24. 游戏化自2011年成为主流用语以来,迅速成了一个被大肆炒作的噱头。但到了2014年,根据最近的数据来看,游戏化作为一种商业战略可以说基本上已经GameOver了。

    The gamification of digital engagement fiercely rode the hype cycle since the term burst into mainstream usage in 2011 , but according to recent figures , gamification as a business strategy in 2014 is essentially , well , game over .

  25. TOI什么时候会停止试图炒作新闻。

    When will TOI stop trying to sensationalize news .

  26. 华尔街的大型公司在一段固定期限内不得公布分析师对该公司承销股票的报告,部分原因是为了限制对热门IPO的炒作。

    Major Wall Street firms are barred for a period from putting out analyst reports on stocks they underwrite partly to keep a lid on hype that can surround hot IPOs .

  27. 耶鲁大学(Yale)管理学教授杰弗里•索南菲尔德(JeffreySonnenfeld)认为,IPO之前有关Facebook的炒作可能影响了管理层的判断。

    Jeffrey Sonnenfeld , a management professor at Yale , believes the pre-IPO hype surrounding Facebook may have clouded its executives ' judgement . '

  28. 最近有报道称,预计将在下个月初召开的苹果发布会上,这两种尺寸iPad都将推出新款。不过虽然坊间大肆炒作,但苹果官方至今仍未传出这场发布会的确切消息。

    New versions in those sizes are expected to be unveiled early next month at a much-hyped , but as yet unconfirmed Apple event , according to a recent report .

  29. 同时较大市值规模的股票不易在二级市场上炒作,价格难以被大幅推高。2、换手率与IPO抑价率呈明显正相关关系。

    The stock of large market capitalization is not easy for speculation on the secondary market , the price is difficult to sharply increase.2.Turnover rate and IPO underpricing rate of price was positively correlated .

  30. Soley认为云计算的炒作模糊了它的真实价值,就像过去十年中SOA所经历的过山车经历。

    Soley believes that the hype around cloud computing is obscuring its true value just like the roller coaster ride SOA experienced in the last decade .