
  1. 火锅是由肉、土豆和洋葱做成的。

    Hotpot is made from meat , potatoes and onions .

  2. 在烤箱里烘烤大块的肉、土豆等叫roast,烘烤面包、糕饼等叫bake。

    We roast large pieces of meat , potatoes , etc and we bake bread , cakes , etc in the oven .

  3. 好,现在从冰箱里拿点儿肉和土豆来。

    Okay , now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge .

  4. 事实上,肉和土豆是可以同时吃的。

    As a matter of fact , we can eat meat and potatoes together .

  5. 不过,饭菜却挺丰盛…不但有肉有土豆,还有汤团;

    But the fare was of the most substantial kind-not only meat and potatoes , but dumplings ;

  6. 我买了肉和土豆,恐怕忘了买面包。

    I have got the meat and potatoes , but I am afraid I forgot the bread .

  7. 一份套餐包括肉、土豆、蔬菜,有时会有面包、甜点和饮料。

    A set meal includes meat , potatoes , vegetables , and sometimes bread , dessert , and a drink .

  8. 研究发现,吃了捣碎的肉和土豆的老鼠体重增长较快。

    The researchers then measured the mice . They found that pounded meat and potatoes caused more weight gain than raw food .

  9. 在一个角落里,唐•亚克曼正在享用他常吃的美味:一盘精瘦牛胸肉,胡椒火鸡胸脯肉,土豆沙拉,还有烤豆子。

    Way in the back corner , don Yacktman is enjoying his usual : a plate of lean brisket , peppered turkey breast , potato salad , and baked beans .

  10. 如果说不能把肉和土豆一起吃,这正像说不能吃面包同时又喝牛奶一样,这两种说法都是同样愚蠢的。

    It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and potatoes together as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk .

  11. 当然了,马莎看不出罗伯特比原来高得多,她只给他与平时一样多的肉和土豆&一点儿也没多给。

    Of course , Martha could not see that Robert was much bigger than before , and she only gave him as much meat and potatoes as usual & and no more .

  12. 当然了,马莎看不出罗伯特比原来高得多,她只给他与平时一样多的肉和土豆——一点儿也没多给。

    Of course , Martha could not see that Robert was much bigger than before , and she only gave him as much meat and potatoes as usual - and no more .

  13. 当许多人把一盘盘堆得满满的肉和土豆塞进肚子,开始一天的生活时,格雷厄姆吃的却是每天定量的、又干又碎的全麦饼干&最初的格雷厄姆饼干。

    In a time when many started the day with heaping platters of meat and potatoes , he ate a daily ration of dry , crumbled whole wheat biscuits : the original Graham crackers .

  14. 但哈佛科学家为了创造使膳食多样化,分别给两组老鼠喂食没切碎的肉和土豆及捣碎的肉和土豆。

    But Harvard scientists fed two groups of mice either meat or sweet potatoes and prepared the items differently : either whole or pounded , raw or cooked - to create a variety of diets .

  15. 真实的原因;真实的战争;真正的朋友;真正的女人;肉和土豆-我把这叫一顿真正的饭;他是时候有份真正的工作了;那不是份零工-他的确赚钱了。

    The real reason ; real war ; a real friend ; a real woman ; meat and potatoes I call that a real meal ; it 's time he had a real job ; it 's no penny-ante job he 's making real money .

  16. 国王离开厨房,开始去找晚餐。10分钟后,他看见一个女佣正端着3盘子肉和土豆。“你是怎么回事?”我父亲问,“你为什么不把晚餐给我们端来?”

    The King left the kitchen and began to look for the food.Ten minutes later he saw a woman who was carrying three plates of meat and potatoes . 'What happened to you ? 'my father said . 'Why didn 't you bring us our dinner ? '

  17. 农场主的妻子端进来一些冷肉和油炸土豆。于是,两个人又开始吃起来。

    The farm 's wife brought in some cold meat and fried2 potatoes , and the two men ate again .

  18. 美国多年来那种丰盛的、一成不变的肉制品加土豆的传统餐,早已为世人所熟知。

    The United States is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes .

  19. 澳大利亚牛眼肉配以土豆泥,胡萝卜,芦笋和黑胡椒汁。

    On a bed of Cheese Potato Mash , Grilled Baby Carrots , Asparagus and Black pepper Jus .

  20. 肉泥和土豆泥是通俗的说法,其实就是香肠和土豆泥一起吃。

    Bangers and mash is a British colloquial name for sausage ( bangers ) served with mashed potatoes .

  21. 做碎肉茄子蛋,用肉、茄子、土豆、西红柿和蛋奶沙司。

    Moussaka combines meat , eggplant , potatoes , tomatoes , and custard .

  22. 因此,如果你恰巧早餐喜欢吃整块培根肉、鸡蛋外加土豆煎饼的话,那你可就走运了!

    So if you like the whole bacon and eggs with hash browns routine in the morning , you just may be in luck !

  23. 兰开夏火锅主要有肉、洋葱、土豆组成,这些食材要在一个非常重的锅里面低火烹制一天方可食用。

    Lancashire hotpot is a dish consisting essentially of meat , onion and potatoes left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat .