
  • 网络Canola Oil;mustard oil
  1. 每天食用芥花油,可代替同等量的饱和脂肪酸而不增加卡路里的总量。

    Canola oil should replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories a person eats each day , FDA said .

  2. 研究人员发现。远低于常人发生心脏病发作的女性往往从豆类、燕麦粥、全谷类、豆腐、糙米、和蔬菜中获取蛋白以及从果仁、橄榄油、芥花油中获取脂肪。

    Women who showed a much lower rate of heart attacks tended to get their protein from beans , legumes , oatmeal , whole grain , tofu and brown rice , and their fat from nuts , olive oil and canola oil .