
  • 网络Red Bayberry wine
  1. 杨梅酒中甲醇形成及其毒性分析

    The Formation of Methonal in Red Bayberry Wine and the Analysis of the Poisonousness of Methonal

  2. 继而是肠胃方面的病痛,比如带血喷射腹泻。要止泻治痢,请用中国民间土方&杨梅酒。

    To arrest diarrhea and treat dysentery , please take red BayBerry wine , a Chinese folk recipe .

  3. 固定化酵母细胞发酵杨梅酒的研究

    Study of Fermenting Arbutus Wine with Immobilized Yeast Cell

  4. 去年夏天在浙江,喝杨梅酒,品雁荡山,游楠溪江,今年的夏天我在哪?

    Last summer in Zhejiang , drank red bayberry wine , tasted Yandangshan , swam Naxi River , this year 's summer where am I ?

  5. 杨梅酒是以新鲜杨梅为原料,经破碎、压榨、发酵、陈酿精制而成的果酒。

    The red bayberry wine is a fruit wine that is brewed with the fresh red bayberry processed well through breaking , pressing , fermenting and aging .

  6. 结合杨梅酒生产工艺过程及特点,分析了杨梅酒中甲醇的主要来源、甲醇的毒理作用及常见的中毒症状,提出了控制杨梅酒中甲醇含量的具体措施。

    The main source of methonal in the wine , the operation of poisoning of methonal and the common symptons were analysed and the practical measures of controlling the amount of methonal in the wine were described on the basis of the process and features of its brewing .

  7. 我实在不知道杨梅与酒还能结合出如此的味道。

    I never imagined such flavors could ever be brewed .

  8. 杨梅发酵酒和杨梅清果汁经复配制成低度杨梅果酒。

    Low alcohol red bayberry wine made from red bayberry fermentation wine and its juice was studied in this paper .