
  1. 论述了杨柳青木版年画的鲜明的艺术风格

    Third , elucidating the vivid characters of Yangliuqing New Year Picture .

  2. 因此,我们今天对杨柳青木版年画的回顾和学习是十分必要的。

    Therefore , the review and research of the Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture are very necessary and important in present time .

  3. 而本文对杨柳青木版年画艺术价值及文化意蕴的研究也是木版年画研究领域较少涉足的课题。

    But the study of artistic value and cultural implications of Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture is a subject that is less researched by other people .

  4. 杨柳青木版年画具有珍贵的艺术价值,在中国民间艺术史中杨柳青木版年画自成一个独立的绘画体系,它的创作具有很大的主观性,并且杨柳青木版年画具有独特的中国绘画观。

    Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture is an independent painting system in the history of folk art in China . The Creation of Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture is very subjective , and it has a unique Chinese painting concept .

  5. 本文就杨柳青木版年画的起源与年画产业的发展;年画文化的特点;年画文化中的代表作品;年画文化的挖掘与保护状况;年画文化产业化之构想等问题,进行调研与探讨。

    This essay the origin and development of Planks New Year paintings , the feature of its culture , representative works , and the excavation and conservation status , more of the cultural industry vision and other problems will be researched and explored .

  6. 要很好的论述其文化意蕴及民族精神,一是需要确立杨柳青木版年画的认识观念;二是需要对传统儒、道等思想的认识支持。

    In order to discuss its cultural implications and the national spirit more better , firstly , we need to establish understanding of the concept of the Yangliuqing Woodcut , secondly , we need to support traditional Confucianism , Taoism and other ideological awareness .

  7. 在本文中不仅谈到了杨柳青木版年画的独立绘画体系,而且论述了杨柳青年画中儒家思想价值及其在近现代史上的价值,杨柳青木版年画有着怎样的西洋绘画元素等。

    In this paper we not only talked about the independent painting pictures system of Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture , but also discussed the value of Confucian thought in modern history of the Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture and how the pictures have elements of Western painting .