
  1. 吴桥杂技后备人才现状与非物质文化遗产保护

    An Investigation of Acrobatics Reserve Talented Persons in Wuqiao and the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

  2. 文章认为,当今吴桥杂技学艺、从艺行为是当地人对地方文化传统的现代性借用。

    The author considers that acrobatics learning and practicing in present times is a modernity practice of local traditional culture .

  3. 第一章阐述吴桥杂技形成的原因,及吴桥的民俗中的音乐事象。

    The first chapter elaborated the causes of the formation of acrobatics , and the music thing wuqiao folk like .

  4. 如今,吴桥杂技作为杂技与竞技类被列入国务院批准文化部确定的第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录(序号:283,编号:Ⅵ&1)。

    Now Wuqiao acrobatics as the acrobatics and athletics class is included in the first batch of state-level non-material cultural heritage list by the China State Council .

  5. 第二部分,阐明吴桥杂技服装历史流变的意义,着重论述了吴桥杂技服装与当地民间服装之间的传承关系。

    The second part expounds the significance of Wuqiao acrobatics clothing history changing and emphatically elaborates the inheritance relations between Wuqiao acrobatics clothing and the local folk clothing .

  6. 尽管在中国有许多杂技团,而吴桥杂技团因为是首家将大象引入杂技表演的单位而非常出名。吴桥杂技团成立于1973年。

    While there are a lot of circus groups in China , Wuqiao Circus became famous for being the first one to incorporate an elephant into their acrobatic show .

  7. 我们吴桥杂技艺术团建团历史悠久,实力雄厚,阵容整齐,演出精彩,为繁荣民族文化作出了很大的贡献。

    With a long history and strong strength , professional artists and wonderful performances , our acrobatic group has done a lot of great contributions to the prosperity of the national culture .

  8. 在吴桥杂技中,音乐始终作为主要的辅助内容,其锣鼓、小号、唢呐、笛子等乐器,成为吴桥杂技音乐的一个重要组成部分。

    Acrobatics , in music always as the main auxiliary content , its drum , trumpet , suona and flute acrobatics , become Musical Instruments such as an important part of music .

  9. 第三部分,揭示吴桥杂技服装与当地民间服装的源流关系发生、发展、传承、演变的规律,为今后吴桥杂技服装设计提供有价值的参考。

    The last part promulgates the happening , developing , inheriting and evolvement rule between Wuqiao acrobatics clothing and the local folk clothing source relation , which can provide some valuable reference to the future Wuqiao acrobatics dress designing .

  10. 吴桥杂技反映了中国社会不同时期的历史、文化以及发展现状,深刻揭示了传统中国底边阶层社会生存状态,在一定程度上成为中国近现代社会发展的一个缩影。

    Wuqiao acrobatics reflects the history , culture and development situation of the different periods of Chinese society , and profoundly promulgates the survival condition of traditional lowness stratum in China . So it becomes a miniature of the Chinese modern society development .

  11. 中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节发展对策研究

    On the Development of China Wuqiao International Circus Festival

  12. 中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节以独有的特色吸引了国内外众多游客,对提高旅游地形象、带动区域经济的发展发挥着积极的作用。

    China Wuqiao International Circus Festival , a well-known for its distinctive characteristics , has attracted a great number of foreign and domestic visitors , playing an important role in enhancing the image of tourist destination and promoting the development of regional economy .

  13. 中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节是世界杂技艺术界的顶级赛事,与巴黎明日与未来国际马戏节、蒙特卡罗国际马戏节并称为世界三大杂技艺术盛会。

    Wuqiao international acrobatic art festival , China is one of the top matches of the world 's acrobatic art community and is called together with Paris tomorrow and Future International Circus Festival and Monte Carlo International Circus Festival as the world 's three largest acrobatic art pageant .

  14. 吴桥是中国杂技艺术的发祥地,对世界杂技艺术也有很大的影响,其深厚的历史文化积淀以及广泛的社会影响力不容忽视。

    Wuqiao is the Chinese acrobatics art birthplace and also has tremendous influences on the world acrobatics art . Its deep historical culture accumulation and widespread social influence can not be neglected .

  15. 吴桥被誉为杂技之乡,其杂技文化生态发展有着深厚的历史底蕴与丰富内涵。

    The cultural ecology of Wuqiao acrobatics enjoys a3000-year history from its birth to today 's prosperity .

  16. 本文围绕着吴桥的风土人情、地理环境、民俗风情,就吴桥杂技音乐的发展历程、音乐功能、价值与意义等方面进行阐述与研究。本文分为四个部分。

    This paper around the customs wuqiao , geographical environment , folk customs , the development of music acrobatics , value and meaning , etc. Aspects and research . This paper is divided into four parts .