
  1. 吴昌华。有限元法在机车发动机主要零部件设计中的应用。

    Application of FEM to major parts design in locomotive diesel engine .

  2. 吴昌华将日本核危机称之为一个“惊醒警告”;

    Japan 's nuclear crisis has served as a wake-up call , said Wu .

  3. 但是吴昌华说,令人警觉的统计数字和每周启用一个新煤电厂的形象是误导性的。

    But alarming statistics and the image of a country opening a new coal-fired power station every week are misleading , says Wu .

  4. 气候组织大中国区总裁吴昌华也表示:“减少空气污染物和控制气候变化二者是双赢的关系。”美国和中国已经将控制二氧化碳排放作为减少空气污染政策的一部分。

    The US and China are two countries that have incorporated carbon dioxide control as part of their strategy for reducing air pollution , said Wu .