
  • 网络Agricultural Alliance;IFOAM;FAEP;Agriliance;Federated Farmers;URGENCI
  1. 这让美国可持续农业联盟负责人SusanProlman非常高兴。

    That pleases Susan Prolman , director of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition .

  2. 1999年发生了一起由约瑟•伯维(JoséBové)领导的农业联盟抗议。伯维称麦当劳是全球化资本主义的象征。

    In France , McDonald 's has traditionally been met with disdain , leading to a farmers'union protest in1999 led by Jos é Bov é, who called the corporation a symbol of global capitalism .

  3. 约旦议员Na'elRajaAlKabariti同时也是阿拉伯国家商业、工业、农业联盟协会的主席,他参与了中国政府促进国际贸易备忘录的签署。他说,这份备忘录就像双方的桥梁。

    Jordanian Senator Na'el Raja Al Kabariti , also President of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce , Industry and Agriculture for Arab States , is one of those who signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade . He says the MOU acts as a bridge between the two sides .

  4. 据麦克纳马拉介绍,“推动阿富汗农业联盟”项目的学生毕业后,将掌握对阿富汗农业极具价值的技术。

    According to McNamara , students in the Alliance program will graduate with skills of great value to Afghanistan 's agriculture sector .

  5. 这些学生是美国国际开发署资助的“推动阿富汗农业联盟”项目的学生。

    The students are part of Purdue 's Advancing Afghan Agriculture Alliance , funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development ( USAID ) .

  6. “推动阿富汗农业联盟”项目始于2007年,现在在普渡大学和其它几个美国和印度大学共有将近90名学生。

    The Alliance program began in 2007 and now includes nearly 90 students at Purdue and a few other U.S. and Indian universities with strong agricultural programs .

  7. 国际有机农业运动联盟有机生产和加工基本标准(IBS)反映了当前有机农业生产和加工水平,是各国政府和民间认证机构制定有机产品标准的基础。

    International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements Basic Standard for Organic Production and Processing ( IBS ) reflects the current state of organic production and processing methods of organic farming . IBS provides a framework for certification bodies and standard setting organizations worldwide to develop their own certification standards .

  8. 农业战略联盟研究

    An Approach to the Strategic Alliance in the Agricultural Sector

  9. 通过农业战略联盟可以全方位提高农业的效率,进而提高农业的竞争能力。

    Virtually , Such an effort is expected to promote efficiency in an all-round way , and ultimately enhance the competitive strength of the agricultural sector .

  10. 追求成功又有效的农业战略联盟,必须确立明确的目标、讲求战略上的互补、选择合适的联盟成员、建立共同的经营理念以及寻求政府相关部门提供必要的支持与帮助。

    In pursuit of successful and efficient agricultural strategic alliance , it is of vital importance to define proper objectives , to highlight complementary strengths , to choose suitable partners , to foster shared business philosophy , and to solicit necessary support and help from the government agencies concerned .

  11. 龙头企业是农业供应链联盟的盟主和以工促农的主动者,涉农工业产业链向传统农业延伸与整合是以工促农路径中较好的选择。

    The leading enterprises are the initiators of agriculture chain alliance and " non-agriculture promotes agriculture ", the extension and integration of agriculture chain to traditional agriculture is a better choice of " non-agriculture promotes agriculture " .

  12. 全球农业温气体研究联盟在联合国气候变化会议上发起。

    The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases was ed at the United Nations conference on climate change .

  13. 全球农业温室气体研究联盟在联合国气候变化大会上成立。

    The global research alliance on agriculture green house gases was launched at the united nation 's conference on climate change .

  14. 美国农业部将与全球农业温室气体研究联盟中的国家共享研究成果。

    The U.S.D.A. will share the research with other countries in the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases .

  15. 种生态友好型农业产品也能够确保环境保护。”中非农业交流是非洲联盟一直在强调的。约瑟法·萨科是非洲联盟农村经济与农业委员。

    ology has not only helped local farmers to increase household incomes , but also it is an eco-friendly agriculture product that can ensure environmental protection . " The increase in agricultural ties between China and Africa is something the African Union continues to Josefa Sacko is the AU 's Commissioner for the Rural Economy and Agriculture .