
  • 网络farmland weeds
  1. 秦皇岛市农田杂草的种类与生育期

    Kinds and growing periods of farmland weeds in Qinhuangdao area

  2. 从1977年初至1978年底,1982年12月至1984年12月,先后4年调查了广西4个市,16个县的农田杂草;

    ABSTRACT The farmland weeds in 4 cities and 16 counties in Guangxi were investigated .

  3. 运用倒置W9点取样法对山东省黄河三角洲、鲁西平原、沿海地区3个农区玉米田作农田杂草调查。

    Weed survey in Maize fields was Conducted using an inverted W-Pattern with 9 sampling points in Huanghe river delta , Luxi plain , and Coastal regions .

  4. 运用倒置W9点取样法对江汉平原麦棉套作农田杂草调查,结果表明该地区麦田杂草有14科23种,其中禾本科杂草占27%,阔叶杂草占69%,莎草科占4%。

    Field weed survey was conducted using an inverted W-pattern with 9 sampling points in Jianghan Plain . Of the 23 weed species recorded in wheat feilds , 27 % accounted for monocots and 69 % for dicots .

  5. 农田杂草识别模糊专家系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of a Fuzzy Expert System for Weed Discrimination

  6. 保护性耕作对农田杂草群落组成及物种多样性的影响

    Effect of protective cultivation on weed community composition and species diversity

  7. 乘积优势度法在农田杂草群落研究中的应用

    The Multiplied Dominance Ratio Method in the Study of Crop-weed Communities

  8. 农田杂草生态位研究的意义及方法探讨

    Significance and method of studies on weed niche in crop fields

  9. 辽宁省农田杂草种类和分布的调查研究

    A Survey of Weed Species and Distribution in Liaoning Province

  10. 农田杂草生态位研究方法与计算程序

    Method and Program for Analysis Weed Niche in Crop Fields

  11. 吉林省农田杂草调查结果与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Crop Field Weeds in Jilin Province

  12. 澳大利亚农田杂草分布危害研究

    Studies on field weed distribution and infestation in Australia

  13. 研究了控制农田杂草的直接施药方法,并研制了基于该方法的除草机器人。

    An agricultural weeding robot was developed based on direct herbicide application method .

  14. 贵州农田杂草上的几种病原真菌

    Several pathogenic fungi from field weeds in Guizhou Province

  15. 抚州农田杂草的多样性及其防除

    Diversity and Controls of Farmland Weed in Fuzhou Area

  16. 上海农田杂草种子休眠规律研究

    The studies on Dormancy of weed seeds in Shanghai

  17. 农田杂草识别技术的现状与展望

    Status and Prospect for Recognition Technology of Farm Weeds

  18. 农田杂草及防除措施

    The Preventive Measure and The Weeds in Farmland

  19. 非化学方法在农田杂草防治中的应用

    Review of the Development in Non-chemical Weed Management

  20. 研究杂草生态位,可对预测杂草群落演替,特别是预测除草剂单一长期使用后农田杂草群落的演替有重要的指导意义。本文采用R。

    The researches on weed niche have instructive meaning on predicting weed community succession .

  21. 排水烂田小春农田杂草及其防除方法研究

    Studies of wheat field weeds and their control methods in drainage slush paddy fields

  22. 浅谈北方旱地农田杂草的生态防治

    Ecological Weed Control on Dryland of Northern China

  23. 河南省封丘农田杂草类型的初步研究

    Preliminary study on weed types of farm land in Fengqiu county , Henan Province

  24. 长白山区农田杂草的调查研究

    Investigation of the farmland weed in Changbai mountains

  25. 陕西农田杂草种质资源及生态学研究

    The Germplasm of Weeds in Crop Field and the Ecological Research in Shaanxi Province

  26. 农田杂草种类繁多,直接危害作物生长和产量,且危害严重。

    The weeds is numerous , directly endanger farm crop grow and yield seriously .

  27. 在1998~1999年期间对吉林省农田杂草的种类及其地理分布进行了调会。

    Weed species and geographical distribution were investigated from 1998 to 1999 in Jilin province .

  28. 甘肃省农田杂草区划

    The division of field weeds in Gansu

  29. 开封地区不同土地利用方式农田杂草群落结构及动态

    Community structure and dynamics of agricultural weeds under different land utilization regimes in Kaifeng area

  30. 广西农田杂草探讨

    An approach on Guangxi farmland weeds