
nónɡ rén
  • farmer
农人 [nóng rén]
  • [farmer] 旧指农民

  • 农人告余。--晋. 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》

  1. 一个农人用不着这样的东西。我再也不能忍受这样一个无用的人了。

    A farmer would have no use for such a thing .

  2. 农人把种子分散地撒在地上,是希望种子在不同的田中生长;

    A farmer sows the seed where he wants it to grow .

  3. n.不幸之事;灾难春天的洪水对农人来说是一大灾难,他们的农作物和房子都被破坏了。

    calamity The spring floods were a great calamity to the farmers whose crops and houses were ruined .

  4. 我看见一个像农人的高个子走在街上。

    I saw a tall farmerly fellow walking down the street .

  5. 有农人和商人,父亲和祖母。

    He had farmers and businessmen there , fathers and grandmothers .

  6. 这农夫需要许多农人来帮忙采收。

    Many peasants were needed to help the farmer with the harvest .

  7. 不过米农人有时也会聪明反被聪明误。

    But the Minoans sometimes were too clever for their own good .

  8. 农人的食物只够勉强熬过冬天。

    The farmers barely had enough food to make it through winter .

  9. 他们是很好的商人,农人,及工艺匠。

    They were solid merchants , farmers , and craftsmen .

  10. 每天早上太阳升起时,农人的公鸡便喔喔啼叫。

    The farmer 's rooster crows every morning when the sun rises .

  11. 农人必须在台风来临之前收割稻谷。

    The farmers had to harvest the rice before the typhoon came .

  12. 国王停下来问那些农人这些肥沃的田地是谁的。

    The King stopped to ask the peasants who owned the magnificent fields .

  13. 收割的农人在麦田里歌唱

    Where the reapers sing in the fields of wheat

  14. 农人出去将田地里的乳牛赶在一起。

    The farmer went out to gather in the cows from the fields .

  15. 子贡注意到,一位农人在道旁菜园子里辛苦地工作。

    Zi Gong saw a farmer toiling in a vegetable garden nearby road .

  16. 农场上有许多农人在工作。

    There are many farmers working on the farm .

  17. 他们没有食物因为农人正在替贵族打战。

    They had no food because the farmers were fighting for the nobles .

  18. 现在大概是晌午了吧,田间的农人也休息去了。

    Presumably it was midday , and work in the fields had stopped .

  19. 这些农人在设法繁殖较大品种的绵羊。

    These farmers try to breed bigger sheep .

  20. 农人在收割农作物。

    The farmers are getting the crops in .

  21. 第三部分农人形象的作用,深入探讨农人在剧中的作用。

    This part has further discusses the function of farmer image in the play .

  22. 许多农人的手因工作而起硬茧。

    Many farmers'hands are horny from work .

  23. 我在巴厘岛属于第四阶层,社会阶层很低,像农人。

    I am in fourth caste in Bali , in very low caste like farmer .

  24. 农人告余以春及,将有事于西畴。

    Farmers tell me the spring is coming and I will go farming in the west .

  25. 但要美国农人把全球谷物贸易一哥地位就此拱手让人,倒也不容易。

    But American farmers are not giving up their leading role in the grain trade easily .

  26. 农人用篱笆把田地围起来。

    Formers fenced their fields .

  27. 当时他看到一些农人为了使土壤肥沃在烧地。

    Then he saw a field that had just been burned by farmers to enrich the soil .

  28. 其次,考察农人形象与雅典之间的关系。

    Secondly , the author will investigate the relationship between the image of the farmer and Athens .

  29. 而且通常被当地农人看作是很讨厌的,堆砌在路边。

    but often considered a nuisance by farmers , and piled on the side of the road .

  30. 依事物之常理,农人不可期望不耕种就收获。

    In the order of thins , the husbandman cannot expect a crop without sowing the seed .