
  • 网络rural infrastructure
  1. PPP模式在我国西部农村基础设施供给中的运用与完善

    The Application and Perfection of the PPP Mode in China 's Western Rural Infrastructure Supply

  2. 如何提升农村基础设施投资效率具有重要意义。

    How to improve rural infrastructure investment efficiency is very important .

  3. 要不断加大投入力度,加强农村基础设施建设

    Must increase the investment dynamics unceasingly , strengthens the countryside infrastructural facilities .

  4. 乡镇农村基础设施建设对农业收入水平的影响&以贵州省兴义市为例

    Influence of the Construction of Rural Basis Installation on Agricultural Efficiency

  5. 如何确保灌溉设施和其它农村基础设施投资具有高回报

    Secure high returns on investment in irrigation and other rural infrastructure

  6. 我国农村基础设施融资问题研究

    Study on the Financing Problems of China 's Rural Infrastructure

  7. 农村基础设施治理结构选择&来自三种规模设施的分析

    Governance Structure of Rural Infrastructure Options & From Three Scale Facility Analysis

  8. 农村基础设施建设与农村经济增长关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Rural Infrastructure Construction and Rural Economic Growth

  9. 农村基础设施建设中的地方政府职能研究

    Researching on Local Government 's Function in Rural Infrastructure Construction

  10. 三是大力加强农村基础设施建设。

    Three , we will redouble efforts to boost rural infrastructure development .

  11. 构建新农村基础设施建设投融资体系的思考

    Thinking of creating the financing ways for new rural infrastructure

  12. 公私部门伙伴关系模式:新农村基础设施供给的新选择

    Public Private Partnership Model : The New Choice of New Countryside Infrastructure Supply

  13. 然后分层次分析农村基础设施投资现状。

    Then a hierarchical analysis of the status quo of rural infrastructure investments .

  14. 陕西省农村基础设施投融资模式研究

    Research on the Investment and Financing Model of Rural Infrastructure in Shaanxi Province

  15. 新农村基础设施建设中农民的合作意愿博弈分析

    New Infrastructure Construction in Rural Areas Farmers Willingness to Cooperate in Game Analysis

  16. 荣昌县农村基础设施发展规划研究

    Study on the Program of the Development of Rural Infrastructure in RongChang County

  17. 农村基础设施建设中的财政资金管理研究

    A Study on the Fiscal Fund Management in the Rural Fundamental Infrastructure Construction

  18. 山西省农村基础设施建设的开发性金融支持研究

    A Research on Development Finance Supporting Rural Infrastructure Facilities Construction in Shanxi Province

  19. 中国农村基础设施公共投资与农业增长研究

    A Study on the Public Investment on China 's Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Growth

  20. 改善农村基础设施应强化政府公共投资

    Intensify Government Investment to Improve Basic Rural Construction

  21. 农村基础设施落后,农业科技水平低。

    The poor rural basic constructions and low level of rural science and technology .

  22. 供应链管理思想在农村基础设施供给中的应用

    The Application of SCM in the Rural Infrastructure

  23. 第二部分分析山西省各地区近五年农民人均纯收入和农村基础设施建设及山西省农村的全面小康水平,总结了近些年山西省农村全面小康建设的基本经验;

    Chapter two analyses and evaluates the level of all-round in Shanxi rural areas .

  24. 新的时代赋予农村基础设施政策以新的内涵与方向。

    The new era of empowerment of rural infrastructure policy new meaning and direction .

  25. 市场经济体制下农村基础设施经营管理的分析研究

    The Research of the Rural Infrastructure Operation and Management under the Market Economy System

  26. 从农村基础设施融资主体入手,对其融资难的原因进行了深入分析。

    Starting with the financing body , the difficulties of rural infrastructure finance is analyzed .

  27. 农村基础设施需完善。

    Rural infrastructure needs to be improved .

  28. 而加强农村基础设施供给,是新农村建设的关键环节。

    Strengthen rural infrastructure supply , which plays an important role in new countryside construction .

  29. 本论文是关于江永县农村基础设施融资创新的研究。

    This paper is about the rural infrastructure of Jiangyong county financing research and innovation .

  30. 加大公共投资,改善农业和农村基础设施,以提高农业生产与收入的稳定性;

    Expand the public inputs in agricultural and rural infrastructure to stabilise the farming income ;