
  1. 金融企业性质、法人治理与贷款定价&对农村信用社贷款利率浮动政策执行效果的实证分析

    On the Nature of RCCs , Corpo rate Governance and Loan Rate

  2. 农村信用社贷款利率定价制度容易导致农村贷款利率过高。

    The interest rate pricing system leads rural credit cooperatives prone to high lending rates .

  3. 安徽省农村信用社贷款利率定价机制模式探索

    Exploration of the Pricing Mechanism for Credit Interest Rate of the Rural Credit Cooperatives in Anhui

  4. 取消票据贴现利率管制,对农村信用社贷款利率不再设立上限。

    Controls on bill discount rates will be scrapped and the ceiling limit for lending from rural banks will be eliminated .

  5. 其次对农户个人信用水平对贷款利率内在影响做了叙述,并叙述现在农村信用社贷款利率形成的方法。

    Second described the level of farmer personal credit inner affect the loan interest rate , and giving the method that the RCC forme the loan rate right now .

  6. 农村信用社的贷款利率由联社制定,基层信用社无权决定贷款利率,无法或无权根据客户的资信、发展前景、还款能力等情况确定合理的利率,使利率政策作用得不到充分发挥。

    Grassroots credit cooperatives can not determine loans interest rates , the interest rate policy effects are not fully to play .

  7. 然后对农村信用社贷款定价现状进行分析,回顾了贷款定价历程,揭示了农村信用社贷款定价和利率管理中存在的主要问题。

    Then analyzes the rural credit cooperative loan pricing situation , reviews the loan pricing process , reveals the rural credit cooperative loan pricing and main problems existing in the management of rate .