
  • 网络Agricultural crisis;farm crisis;Crisis in Agriculture
  1. 我们无法否认国内很多地区存在农业危机这一事实。辛格昨日在新德里举行的一次为期两天的农业峰会开幕式上表示。

    We cannot deny the fact that there is a crisis in agriculture in many regions of the country , said Mr Singh yesterday in his inauguration of a two-day agriculture summit in New Delhi .

  2. 台湾新一轮农业危机的探索

    An Exploration to the New Wave of Agricultural Crisis in Taiwan

  3. 经济调整中的农业危机与出路

    Crisis in and Way Out for Agriculture Under Adjustment

  4. 非洲农业危机的根源

    The Roots of Agricultural Crisis in Africa

  5. 1932-1934年,农业危机出现了非常惨烈的景象,在长江中下游地区的一些地方及小农经济的某些行业中,表现出完整的形态。

    From 1932 to 1934 , There is an extremely miserable condition on the agricultural crisis .

  6. 近代以来,随着我国半封建半殖民地化的日益加深,农业危机也进一步加强。

    Agricultural crisis strengthened with the progressively deepening semi - feudalization and semi - colonization of China .

  7. 再论农业危机人地矛盾与二十世纪前期中国农业危机

    Contradiction between the population and the farmland and China 's agriculture crisis in the earlier twentieth century

  8. 所以,你可以看到农业危机可以对这个国家产生致命的影响。

    So , you can see how an agricultural crisis here can have a dramatic impact on a nation .

  9. 中国1959&1961年农业危机的主因:对林毅夫假说的定量检验

    Main Reasons for Chinese Agricultural Crisis in 1959 & 1961 : The Quantitative Test on Linyifu ′ s Hypothesis

  10. 黑死病后的14世纪下半叶至15世纪,英国经历了一场明显的长期农业危机:人口锐减,增长停滞不前;

    In the late 14th and 15th century , Britain experienced an obviously long-term agricultural crisis . The population decreased sharply with little possibility for increase ;

  11. 20世纪30年代农业危机以其形成原因的错综复杂性,表现形态的惨烈典型性,历史教训的全面深刻性在我国近代农业史上留下了沉重的一页。

    The agricultural crisis in the early 1930 's had a dignified page in the modern agricultural history as its intricate cause , integrated formation and deep lesson .

  12. 人地矛盾与二十世纪前期中国农业危机宁夏面临的农业生态环境问题与危机

    Contradiction between the population and the farmland and China s agriculture crisis in the earlier twentieth century ; PROBLEMS AND CRISIS OF AGRICULTURAL ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT IN NINGXIA HUI AUTONOMOUS REGION

  13. 20世纪30年代前半期,受1929-1933年资本主义经济危机的影响,近代慢性农业危机在当时特殊的社会经济环境下,急剧演化为空前的农业大萧条。

    In the early 1930 's , the slow agricultural crisis of modern times rapidly changed into an unprecedented agricultural depression affected by the 1929-1933 capitalist economic crisis and the special economic and social environment at that time .

  14. 造成这次农业危机的直接原因是由于盲目扩大生产导致农产品供过于求,而垄断资本的控制和剥削、联邦政府的土地、财政金融政策等也对这次农业危机的发生起了推波助澜的作用。

    The direct reason leading to this agricultural crisis was that supply exceeded demand . However , the monopoly capital 's controlling and exploiting , the federal government 's land and financial policies also gave rise to this agricultural crisis .

  15. 污水灌溉对于缓解水资源紧缺地区的农业用水危机起到了举足轻重的作用,同时,污水中含有丰富的N、P等营养成分,提高了农业生产产量。

    The waste-water irrigation plays a very important role on the agricultural water crisis which alleviates the short supply of water resource , at the same time , waste-water contains abundant nutritional component such as N , P , etc. , which improves the yields of agricultural production .

  16. 印度农业陷入危机,除了少数几家优秀企业外,制造业仍远不具备国际竞争力。

    Indian agriculture is in crisis and its manufacturing remains , except for a few pockets of excellence , far from globally competitive .

  17. 我国21世纪农业用水危机与节水农业华北地区农业用水危机及其出路

    Agricultural Water Crisis in the 21st Century and Agriculture of Water Saving Irrigation in China Agricultural Water Crisis and its Countermeasures in North China

  18. 自然资源短缺、成本上涨问题以及国际农产品市场的贸易避垒问题等等使中国农业企业危机重重,为此国家提出了中国农业企业走出去进行海外投资的战略目标。

    Chinese agricultural enterprises are involved into various risks , due to lack of natural resources , increasing costs , and trade barrier in international agricultural market , therefore , the government puts forward the oversea investment strategy called " Going Abroad " .

  19. 应对入世挑战寻求对策措施&我国高等农业教育的危机与出路

    Facing Challenges of WTO and Seeking Countermeasures & Crisis and Outlet for Agricultural Higher Education in China

  20. 主要结果如下:1.引黄灌区水资源缺乏,农业用水面临危机。

    Lack of water resource in the area irrigated by Yellow River , the irrigation water supply in face of danger .

  21. 传统资源消耗型的经济增长,导致水土流失严重、人地矛盾突出、森林生态功能减弱、生物多样性受到威胁、工农业资源出现危机等一系列的资源环境问题日益凸显。

    Traditional consumption of resources-based economic growth , leading to serious soil erosion , the obvious contradiction between people and land , forest ecosystem function , biodiversity is threatened , industrial and agricultural resources and a crisis of resources to highlight the growing environmental problems .

  22. 农业龙头企业应对危机提升竞争力研究

    A Research on Coping with Crisis and Improving Competitiveness of Agricultural Leading Enterprise

  23. 在欧洲北部突然出现的一种由昆虫传播的牲畜疾病使得三个国家的农业部门陷入了危机之中。

    The sudden emergence of an insect-borne disease of livestock in northern Europe has plunged the agricultural sectors of three countries into crisis .

  24. 为解决现代石油农业带来的资源危机和环境危机,各国提出多种替代农业模式,探索新的农业发展途径。

    Because modem petroleum agriculture have resulted in much environmental problems , many countries began to explore new approach of agriculture development and put forward many kinds of alternative agriculture .

  25. 究其原因,日本为了保护国内脆弱的农业,摆脱金融危机带来的冲击,在农产品进口领域设置了严格而苛刻的绿色壁垒,而这些绿色壁垒成为了我国对日出口农产品的严重阻碍。

    On of the reason may be the green barriers which are made by Japan to protect its fragile agriculture and get rid of the economic crisis . And these barriers seriously hinder our export of agricultural products to Japan .

  26. 实证研究结果显示,Z分数模型和F分数模型都能够较好地预测农业上市公司是否会发生财务危机,F分数模式由于加入了现金流量指标,更加适合对我国农业上市公司财务危机的预测。

    Empirical test finds that , both Z-score model and F-score model could predict the occurring of financial crisis of agricultural listed companies in China well , and the result of predicting of the F-score model is better than the Z-score model .

  27. 清代山东是个农业大省,但是农业时常处于危机之中,造成这种状况的根本原因是封建土地所有制这种土地制度。

    Shandong in the Qing dynasty is a backward big area in agriculture , and it 's agriculture was often putin crisis .

  28. 我国农业每年缺水约300亿m3,农业用水危机不断加剧,农业生产要向高产稳产方向发展,必须发展以充分利用有限降水为中心的节水灌溉和旱地农田节水保水技术。

    The water shortage of Chinese agricultural is about 30 billion m3 per year . It is necessary to develop the full use of the limited rainfall as the center of the water-saving irrigation and dry land water-saving and conservation techniques if the agriculture will develop to high and stable .

  29. 研究表明:从中国传统文化里汲取丰富的生态伦理思想用来指导农业生态环境保护工作是解决当前农业生态环境危机的正确选择。

    The results shows derive rich ecological ethics thought from Chinese traditional culture as guiding the agricultural ecological environment works is the correct choose of solving agricultural ecological environment problem in present .

  30. 并且这一战略的具体制定和实施缺乏现实基础,结果到60年代中期农业发展远不尽如人意,印度面临着新一轮的农业危机。

    Generally , the peculiar phase went on wheels , and is of far - reaching historical significance . So in the middle of 60 's , agriculture developed far from expectation and went into a new crisis . The results went as followed .